Quote Originally Posted by le geek
Do you have comparison data for cube/xbox? Or better yet do you have numbers for Atari VCS and NES? :)

Farm-fresh sales data for the Cube and Xbox, no, although Microsoft has been touting its North American momentum; the Xbox recently outsold the PS2 over a one-week period for the first time. Neither the GameCube nor the Xbox will ever catch up to the PS2, however. In fact, the combined hardware sales of the Cube and the Xbox will never catch up to the PS2.

As for VCS and NES numbers, I assume your real question is whether either of them sold more units than the PS1 and PS2, and the answer is no. The NES/Famicom was certainly more successful worldwide than the VCS.

EDIT: Changed the final sentence, which originally implied that the NES had outsold the PS1 worldwide, when I meant that it had outsold the VCS worldwide.

-- Z.