Quote Originally Posted by SlayerOfFurbies
I just picked up an n-gage QD last week and i'm so happy!

I get much stronger signal then i did with any of the other phones i previously had

Are pocket kingdom and splintercell really worth the price? i mean i looked at reviews for other games on the system and it made me wonder if i should buy any games for the system
First make sure you download a free copy of Snakes. It's one of the N-Gages best games and it's free. I think $25 isn't that much to pay for a good portble game so I'd say that yes their worth it, but I can see your logic if you bought both. I'd start with Pocket Kingdom since the controls are alot simpler and the game is very addictive.

also stay away from games that got bad reviews chances are they're right the N-Gage has some pretty bad games but still has some great ones.