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Thread: [Atari 5200] non cart missing items + updates.

  1. #1
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    Default [Atari 5200] non cart missing items + updates.

    This kind of caught me by surprise as I've never seen one before and I am a huge 5200 collector. This may or may not go in the guide but it is a cart case that fits 5200 games, here's the Ebay link.

    Here's another auction that states a Wico Trackball that is for Atari 5200, I have been emailing the seller for as much details as I can get, I am trying to find out which size plug is has on it and whether it needs the y cable or not, I asked him if it was for the 2600 but he said it was definately for the 5200, as soon as I have concrete proof for a yes or know I will definately post it here. If anyone knows anything about this please chime in, if this is real it's insanely rare as I've never heard of one or seen one before. Even if this is for a diffrent system just mull over this marvelous collection.

    [/url] name=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&rd=1[url]

    Also the Y splitter says unknown for manufacturer, I have one and it says wico on it, so walala, also these are less common than the Wico Joystick, as I constantly find sticks with no y cable with them, I would list it as a R6. I have seen an average price of $18-$20 each, so put the value at $19 and it should be a safe DB value.
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  2. #2
    classicus carnivorous
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    Added the storage case and modified the Y-splitter info. Thanks Doug!

  3. #3
    Banana (Level 7)
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    I'd be willing to bet that's actually an 8-track storage bin & not a 5200 accessory. 8-tracks & 5200 carts are very close in width, I've found 8-track bins with 5200 carts in them before, & I've seen similar auctions listing them a 5200 accessories, with no proof. UNtil someone finds a boxed one or scans in a magazine ad showing one, I will doubt their existance.

    Another flag to me at least is in the style, woodgrain was on it's way out by the 80's this could have been made in the 70's more than likely. When 8-tracks were more popular.

    But you never know, I guess if there are any model numbers or dates, or any info on the bin it could help, but I'm not buying it till I see some better evidence.

    On the trakball, I'd ponder a guess & say that is just an Atari 2600 & combatible version. It's sitting next to two 2600 joysticks & a 2600 Spaceage stick. Just because it's mixed in a lot with 5200 items does not make it a 5200 trak-ball.

    Also those sellers are middle-men in the ebay world, someone drops this stuff off, they list. They honestly don't know much if anything about the items they put up for sale. Getting them to test is not gonna happen either. Go ahead & pony up the $800 for the auction & see if it turns out to be a 5200 item or not. :P

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    Pac-Man (Level 10) vintagegamecrazy's Avatar
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    I don't want to say yes or no, I have been contacting the seller and he says that it's specifically for 5200, I want to know what plug size is on the end of the trackball it's possible that it uses a wico y adapter and a standard stick for the keypad, but maybe just a 2600 trackball overall.
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  5. #5
    Banana (Level 7)
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    Just knowing the plug size won't help you.

    If it is a db15, then you would still not be able to use it without some sort of adapter because there's no start button on it. Besides that box is identical to the 2600 box. But if it's a db9, then you're in the same situation as before as it could still be for 2600 or 5200.

    Also this ad doesn't mention what it's for. I guess you emailed to ask?

    Look at the lot, it's a huge 5200 lot, and a fine one at that, but there's 2600 paddle controllers, 2600 wicos boxed, a 2600 Zircon controller, 2600 spaceage controller, and more than likely a 2600 wico trakball.

    All of that & only one is actually listed as 2600.

    So in emailing, they probably think the whole lot is 5200. Well with exception to the spaceage.

    But they don't know enough about these to tell one way or the other. It's Atari that's all they know.

    I've seen hundreds of mislabeled auctions, Coleco carts being labeled as Atari and vice versa, Intellivision games grouped in with Atari, Sega Genesis grouped with Atari.. All sorts of things. And what's bad most sellers will sit there and tell you they have tested the carts in question, yet they can't tell it's not the same. These places though, they get all sorts of crap in, then take pictures & try their best to anwser questions, but they usually don't know enough about Atari and all the variations to tell whether something is 5200 or 2600, or whatever.

    Ask them what the two Wico sticks fit & what the Zicron & paddles go to. Ask them if they are for the 5200 or something else & see what they say about them all..

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