Quote Originally Posted by Trebuken
Devil Kings.

Though I think if this were included you'd then have to look at the Castlevania Games, and maybe even Dynasty Warriors...and then Devil May Cry....

Maybe someone who had played it can be more definitive about it.

Devil Kings is a straightforward Dynasty Warriors clone, it is as clonelike as it can get. If included you'll end up with all Dynasty Warriors as a 'RPG,' and then there is indeed no line anymore for Onimusha and Devil May Cry and possibly even Madden NFL.

I'll buy Devil Kings as well.

I added the two RPG Makers (II and 3). A tough call as well, but if you can 'design' your own RPG and play around with it, it is a RPG. If it looks, walks, and quacks like a duck, it should be probably on a duck list.