Some interesting stuff. Particularly the segment about the current rumor about Microsoft and used games.

I for one don't believe they're going to implement this suddenly. People in large aren't very bright, and are very apathetic. It's like boiling a frog. If you toss it in boiling water it will jump right out. If you put it in cold water and slowly bring it up to a boil the frog will just sit in there and boil to death. It's not a rumor from a larger standpoint, it's only a rumor from an immediate standpoint. They're on their way to doing it. It's not just games either. It's the entire media segment. Digital distribution is just the start of this. Slowly over time it will develop into the leasing model. As I've stated in many other threads, it will mean the end of me buying new games. I will not pay to borrow my games. That's what we have rental services for. This is happening, just slowly enough that people won't put up too much a fight until they're rights are gone.

Oh, and that video needed a lot LESS Wappy Dog.

Can't wait to see the next one.