When I first started thrift store shopping back around 2003 (it was right after going to the Austin Game Expo and subsequently joining Atari Age and reading about how many great finds people would get) I never found anything remotely interesting. As I was driving home from another fruitless hunt, I stopped at a total hole-in-the-wall thrift in a complex that used to only be strip joints and bars. I walked in, and the first thing I saw was a Rastan arcade cab with a $50 sign on it. Turns out the warehouse next door was an arcade cab rental company, and this Rastan had given up the ghost. I didn't have $50 to spend, so I sadly left it there. Plus, if the people who maintain arcade machines couldn't bring it back to life, there was little chance I could get it going again. The stop there was still worth it, because I bought my very first Vectrex for $5. That great visit kept me hitting the thrifts and flea markets for a decade or so onward. I've always regretted not buying that Rastan, I have great memories of it. I used to play it in the lobby of my local Minyard's Supermarket when I was a teenager. The music alone kept me going back to it, it was that good. Playing Rastan in emulation now makes me realize just how bad I was at it. I never managed to get too far with it, then and now.