Quote Originally Posted by MarioMania View Post
oldskoolfool is just hyping it up for people to buy it..He's not answering anyone's question about it..seems odd in my view

Thanks for answering my question Satoshi

Ok, well I'm back. Just so you guys know..I'm not "dodging questions", I'm my last post I informed everyone that I was leaving for the CES 2012 to showcase the show and would try to answer questions when time permitted.

Time did not permit.

However, before I continue, please understand, THAT I DON'T OWN ALL THE GAMES in question. I cannot possibly give you answers to questions that I don't have, if I don't own the games and they can't be tested as of now. However, if I get my hands on the games in question I will be able to answer them in an organized fashion.

Now mind you, that this is coming from the makers of the Retro Duo, so the chipset is similar but NOT IDENTICAL.

Is it similar to the Poke FAmi DX = YES it is.

The word on the street is that the technology in the "PokeFamiDX" was Retrobits' and it was engineered for the Japanese market. So the RDP is everything that the DX is plus more.

Well, how much more?? ANSWER = I don't know...because once again, my NES/SNES/GEN Collection is not that of this forum owners'. (Although I wish it was!!

Is the sound good... = FROM WHAT I PLAYED.. IT WAS ON POINT.

The video output is Composite. And it looks like composite would look like in today's market of higher end LCD/Plasma TV's.

Will it look better on a TV resolution that isn't through the roof..well of course it will.


When I do my review to the direct to TV ...it WILL BE on a huge TV Set. So Once again, that may not be the super duper best way to view it.


I have ALSO Tested the RetroGen Adapter on the Unit at the CES show. You will see it in use shortly. And it is it's own contained chip set.

What's up with the NES/Retroport Adapter packaged with the RDP?? = ..... THE ADAPTER PACKAGED WITH THE RDP IS BASICALLY A PIN CONVERTER. The technology able to play NES games is contained within the RDP.

I also just want to point out , that yes.. I obviously would appreciate if you guys preordered it (as that's how I am able to get these reviews to you!), though I am very honest in my reviews.

So when I say it's clean.. the Portable is Currently THE BEST Cloned multi-use portable on the market that has been in the works for over 2 1/2 years.

So what about the additional controllers with the unit?? = They are solid..directly breaks in nicely as I used them at the show, a little light weighted but accurate and responsive and wired obviously. They are of course NOT GOING TO BE OFFICIAL QUALITY, but then again, ...what is??

The LCD display is clean, the unit feels weighted and good..so it does not feel cheap. And the Sound and TV Output is on point.

And last but not least.


The Answer is ....


I don't know.

Because, this item is a development tool, and like all development tools are designed with original hardware in mind. And during development this thing was not tested with that device. So to answer will it work with it, would be a big fat maybe. As depending on the rom set/firmware/version/etc, there will be no way to tell until you tried it for yourself (for those that own one anyway.)

If there is anything else I can answer, then I will try to do my best based on my resources that I have.

Just so you know guys, that the initial release will be out in Feb. and it WILL be limited and with that in mind, if you can...then preorder now. Because once they are gone, they will be gone for a good while (Not to mention, the discount code won't be valid) and most likely the price will go up from other outlets that will carry it. So yes, I do stress the Preorder for the item now and appreciate all that do.

Stay tuned next week for a heavy review of the Retrogen adapter that will work for both the RDP and the Super Nintendo and associated clones.