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You cannot immediately post threads in the Buying and Selling sub-forum.
To post in this sub-forum, you first need to be an Established Member. To establish your membership, you must be enrolled as a Registered User of the Retrogaming Roundtable for at least ten (10) days. After that, you will be automatically promoted to an Established Member.
Think of this prerequisite as a leveling requirement in an RPG. If you aren't an Established Member yet, you can't enter the enchanted lands of Buying and Selling. After these initial ten days on the Roundtable forum are up, the "Buying and Selling" sub-forum unlocks, and you are free to conduct business here. Take these early days to learn the rules and observe how the community works. It is easy, but our simple rules must be followed.
Why are things this way? It is to prevent cross-site spamming of sellers' and buyers' threads by people who are only interested in commerce instead of participating in our discussions and community. If you want to buy or sell things here, you need to be a real part of our community of retro gamers first and foremost.
Please title the thread appropriately, giving as much detail as possible. If possible in the thread, please list prices you are selling at, or the prices you will pay for items if wanted. It helps anyone else out to know what ranges are on offer.
Here are some common abbreviations that people often use in their topics and posts. You may want to use these to let people know if you are buying or selling an item, for example.
WTB = Wanting To Buy
WTT/WTTF = Wanting To Trade/Wanting To Trade For
FS = For Sale
FT = For Trade
No backups. No burned games. Please do not post that you have those types of games for sale. If you do, they will be removed from your postings and you will be warned. Needless to say there are varying degrees of piracy availability.
Famiclones? Okay. Multicarts? Okay. Twisted Metal on a CD-R? Not okay! Neo conversions? Let us know up front.
The device on which to play the games is okay (i.e. flash cart) but NO ROMs on them. Please note that this rule also applies to all types of media (music, films, etc.), not just games.
(that's BUYER BEWARE btw)
Any payment issues should be taken up with Paypal or whatever was used for that half of the deal. Please allow people time enough to complete transactions before complaining about where your goods are. Which brings us to...
Similarly, if you want an item that someone else is also asking for, it is better etiquette that you create your own topic with your contact information, trade list, or the price you're willing to pay.