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As the title says, post here any MD/Genesis, Sega/Mega CD, or 32X games that have recently entered your catalog. Mine is Rocket Knight Adventures, Loose cart. Great game, but hard.
My latest was Darwin 4081. That made my 200th mint CIB Genny/MD title. But since I'm going for a full U.S. NTSC library, I won't count my bicentenial just yet. P.S.> Rocket Knight Adventures ftw.
Genesis 32X with all cables, plus three games: Virtua Fighter, Primal Rage, and BD Racers (all unboxed unfortunately).
I just did a forum trade with Shinichi Chiba to get a loose cart Pulseman.
I purchased Bare Knuckle 3 and Pulseman from a forum member for $50. Not bad.
Just picked up a mint CIB Undead Line from Japan
Undeadline is as hard as my Super Mario Bros. repro is good .
Why is there a SMB on Genesis? I'm all for it if it's harder, but before when I'd seen it on lists I'd just assumed it was hackport. Sadly I'm more of a seller now than a collector, but to that end you could call the games I've managed to keep collections. These = Kid Chameleon (wasn't going to sell that, I'd bought it twice again after thefts), Phantasy Star II, all the Sonics, a few crappy titles, and the endearing oddities Junction and Speedball II. Probably should've held on to King 's Bounty. Suppose my next 'acquisition' is to find the PhS2 booklet from the lumber room bowels. Yeesh.