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Thread: House of the Dead II.................

  1. #1
    Pretzel (Level 4) stargate's Avatar
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    Default House of the Dead II.................

    I really w a n t to own this game on a console, but is it worth buying an X-box for? Is it also on the PS2?

    I heard on the X-box version, if you beat the game, as a bonus you get the entire version of House of the Dead 1. Thants a pretty good bonus.

  2. #2
    Peach (Level 3)
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    Not trying to be Mr. Correction, but House of the Dead 2 is for the Dreamcast & the one for the Xbox is House of the Dead 3. I think the original House of the Dead was for the Saturn.

    Anyways, I've played it for the Xbox & it's pretty fun. The Xbox controllers work much better than the Dreamcast ones. Of course, you can buy a 3rd party light gun to play it the way it was meant, but I don't think any other Xbox games support the light gun yet.

    To unlock House of the Dead 2, you just beat the survival mode.

    I'd say it's worth $25-30 if they've already started marking it down or you can find it used, but not full price.
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  3. #3
    Pretzel (Level 4) stargate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaybird
    Not trying to be Mr. Correction, but House of the Dead 2 is for the Dreamcast & the one for the Xbox is House of the Dead 3. I think the original House of the Dead was for the Saturn.

    Anyways, I've played it for the Xbox & it's pretty fun. The Xbox controllers work much better than the Dreamcast ones. Of course, you can buy a 3rd party light gun to play it the way it was meant, but I don't think any other Xbox games support the light gun yet.

    To unlock House of the Dead 2, you just beat the survival mode.

    I'd say it's worth $25-30 if they've already started marking it down or you can find it used, but not full price.
    yeah, sorry, it was 3 and 2 I meant.

  4. #4
    Nz17's Avatar
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    Writing of The House of the Dead 2... It's back! This time the game is for today's Nintendo Switch, Windows / PC (Steam & GOG), Xbox One, X, S, PlayStation 4, & 5.

    The House of the Dead 2: Remake brings arcade royalty to Xbox in 2025

    Horror fans have another arcade remake to look forward to this spring, as The House of the Dead 2: Remake has been announced for Xbox.

    Tom West

    Published 10 Jan 2025

    Following its predecessor's arrival in 2022, The House of the Dead 2: Remake is launching on Xbox in the coming months. Arcade fans wanting to blast through undead critters and The House of the Dead 2: Remake achievements will be able to dive into the Xbox horror game sometime this spring.

    The House of the Dead 2: Remake brings its arcade fun to Xbox in 2025

    The House of the Dead 2 was first released by Sega as an arcade game in 1998

    The House of the Dead 2: Remake launches on Xbox console in spring 2025

    Developer: The House of the Dead 2: Remake is developed by MegaPixel Studio

    Publisher Forever Entertainment has announced that House of The Dead 2: Remake will launch on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One this spring. It's a rail shooter action-horror game for up to two players, taking you to the streets of a small city to curb the growing threat of undead monstrosities tearing the place apart. While now no longer supporting the original light guns we had in the arcade cabinets, it still features instant reloading by shooting off-screen and the same multi-path campaign.

    The House of the Dead 2 was one of my favorite arcade cabinet games when growing up — I like to purposely forget how awful I was at it — so it's awesome to see it making a return on Xbox this year. Alongside the return of the original game's campaign, featuring remastered HD graphics and music (the classic soundtrack will also be available), this remake also packs in Training and Boss Rush modes.

    "In February 2000, a small city was suddenly overrun by hostile creatures. Two AMS agents, James Taylor and Gary Stewart, were sent to investigate," the Steam description reads. "Upon arrival, they noticed that the situation resembled the Curien Mansion incident from 1998. Determined to uncover the source of the infestation, they began shooting their way through hordes of creatures."

  5. #5
    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    I picked up the Switch version of the first HotD Remake on sale a few months ago. Obviously that's the graphically inferior version compared to the other platforms, but I got it on that due to the gyro aiming. I'd never played a light gun style game with that control method but figured I'd try it out after reading a couple of reviews.

    I was pleasantly surprised at how nice that control method works in a game like this. It can't hold a candle to using a real gun, but it's leagues better than a normal controller. The game itself looked a bit shit on the Switch. I'd much more have preferred just a straight port of HotD, warts and all, but I understand a port like that probably wouldn't be appealing to the casual customer.

    After playing part one I could see myself buying this sequel on the Switch but at a $10-$15 price point.

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    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    I will be honest. HOD ( I think I wrote this somewhere else ) was literally this arcade you saw when you went to the movies with your family, or whatever during "Killer Instinct II" only in arcades timeline. That and "Battle Arena Toshegoden" ( whatever ), and of course Tekken II.
    It was an amazing time, you went to see Jurasic Park ( when that was a thing ) and could also play this badass game inside a mini-truck thingy, with multiple displays to shoot from or whatever the setup was.

    I would always want to play HOD, but never could get through it. Years later I brought the Saturn game ( yes the Saturn ), and it came with two variants

    1. The original Arcade

    2. The updated arranged game for the Saturn with meh better graphics ( or something along those lines ).


    Somewhere I have "Typing of the DeaD" ( For the Dreamcast of course ). I could halusanate all day long thinking about Zombies, and babes worth looking at...

    Thinking about that first boss demonic-bat creature, to the grand final inside of that factory ( or whatever place ).

    If I am mistaken on the Dreamcast ( which I have ) there is a beat-em-up game ( not Gun-spike which I also have ) but another Zombie busting with some meh girls I guess, but the biggest thing I enjoy is the intro with the PPC. My dad owns a couple of those mini-computers. He probably tossed them all in the trash or whatever by now ( that is the kind of person he is ).
    Just seeing that green desktop makes me think about running an emulator on a PPC Windows machine ( as it was promoted as being use for the Dreamcast ).

    Yes you could make Pocket-PC based games for the Dreamcast work.

    Only thing close to "HOTD" could possibly be "Sweet Home" but that game is a First-person shoot-em/slash em-up/beat em up timer, where you must slay the enemies and not allow your team members to "taken" all the while the insanity of the enemies that tears into them and you, is almost overwelming.

    Nice walk down memory lane. That and the Segata Commercials. Which proves how the western view of marketing was lame. Like with HD, XP, AI, and other rubbish they add at the end or beggining of everything. Even Advance was lamer then saying Super or 2000.

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