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Thread: WTB: Super Metroid, Turtles In Time, Castlevania IV

  1. #1
    Cherry (Level 1) williewonka2k1's Avatar
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    Default WTB: Super Metroid, Turtles In Time, Castlevania IV

    Want to buy these games, preferable all together.


    Turtles in Time
    Super Metroid
    Castlevania IV

    and... Contra III
    -"Are you talking out of turn?"
    "No, I believe we are all talking together."
    -"I normally don't do interviews with women unless i fornicate with them................(long pause) you shouldn't talk anymore..........unless you know..."
    -Mike Tyson

    "I may like fornicating more than other people, it's just who I am. I sacrifice most of my life, can I at least get laid? You know what I mean? I been robbed most of my money, can I atleast get a blow job?"
    -Mike Tyson

  2. #2
    Cherry (Level 1) williewonka2k1's Avatar
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    Bump of cocaine
    -"Are you talking out of turn?"
    "No, I believe we are all talking together."
    -"I normally don't do interviews with women unless i fornicate with them................(long pause) you shouldn't talk anymore..........unless you know..."
    -Mike Tyson

    "I may like fornicating more than other people, it's just who I am. I sacrifice most of my life, can I at least get laid? You know what I mean? I been robbed most of my money, can I atleast get a blow job?"
    -Mike Tyson

  3. #3
    Cherry (Level 1) williewonka2k1's Avatar
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    pm replied
    -"Are you talking out of turn?"
    "No, I believe we are all talking together."
    -"I normally don't do interviews with women unless i fornicate with them................(long pause) you shouldn't talk anymore..........unless you know..."
    -Mike Tyson

    "I may like fornicating more than other people, it's just who I am. I sacrifice most of my life, can I at least get laid? You know what I mean? I been robbed most of my money, can I atleast get a blow job?"
    -Mike Tyson

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