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Thread: What Genesis power supply works with the SFC?

  1. #1
    Peach (Level 3)
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    Default What Genesis power supply works with the SFC?

    Poster this type of question in retro gaming and got no clear answer. Will now try here. All I know for sure so far is

    - A NES power supply will kill it almost instantly
    - The SNES power supply *would* work but won't fit into the hole
    - One of the Genesis power supplies is supposed to work

    Any answeres here guys?

    Oh and has anyone considered a permanent sticky at the top of this forum regarding compatibility between games, accessories, and the such between systems from all regions? Seems like it'd be really handy for importers.

  2. #2
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Exclamation Power Supply

    Genesis Model 1 Power Supply, Model 1602
    Output 10V DC, 1.2A, center negative

    Yes, the SNES has a different connector than the SFC.

    If you look on eBay there are lots of 3-in-1 NES/SNES/Genesis power supplies for cheap. Those work fine. It has the two different connector ends.

  3. #3
    Cherry (Level 1) Bibliophile's Avatar
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    The Genesis Model 1 Power supply will work. The Genesis Model 2 and 3 power supplies will not fit, because they use a smaller hole.
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