Actually a decent review of the Earthworm Jim games.
Actually a decent review of the Earthworm Jim games.
The Paunch Stevenson Show free Internet podcast - - DP FEEDBACK
In honor of the new Indiana Jones film....James de-ages himself?
The Paunch Stevenson Show free Internet podcast - - DP FEEDBACK
At least Bald James finally stopped attempting that awful combover.
Once in awhile i'll watch the latest avgn but this recent one did amused me.
I saw his latest video on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, I liked it. It felt like his older videos.
The Paunch Stevenson Show free Internet podcast - - DP FEEDBACK
There's a new video out.
I saw that one, it's obviously not a "hater" video since you cannot hate on a classic. He battles through an extremely long and tedious game, and frankly it's pretty entertaining.
The Paunch Stevenson Show free Internet podcast - - DP FEEDBACK
Ugh, I felt his pain with a lost save not with FF III/VI but with the original NES Final Fantasy. I slogged through it and got to a particular point kinda far and saved it. Next time I played, all the data was gone. I tested the cart and it did save and it kept the save, so it might have been something funky when I turned it off or something. This was close to maybe 25 years ago or so when I got the game for a good price new (I think $20?). I didn't touch the game since.
I let out a goodwhen they tripped on the plug and yanked the AC Adapter out of the wall! This was a frequent occurrence back then, and usually it was a devious friend or relative looking to prank you. Once my friend @Rob2600 was having a birthday party, and a neighbor was playing Zelda II, and he was great at this game. He was intending to beat it and we're all watching. But the power brick was plugged in at a precarious location on the wall and the kid's stupid brother leaned over and accidentally knocked it out when we were very, very close to the end of the game, after he'd played all night! A brawl ensued.
The Paunch Stevenson Show free Internet podcast - - DP FEEDBACK
Thanks for sharing about this guys feed, and all. My response is to the
FF6 review. Goonies was a nice movie but honestly for the actors and not
for the watchers becuase "Frightnight" was a lot better, even as a family
film ( which is what Goonies was about ). I hate to be that kid on a NES
playing Goonies right now, because as with all of those "Movie-games" it
drives me insane to think about the lack of quality. When they do make an
ideal quality movie-game, as with Batman or Genesis Gargoyles ( which got a
remake ?? ). You miss it completely because you know it will be terrible or
boring. Which made me a Nintendo nutjob at the time.
The deal with FF and me was back when "Super Mario RPG" and "FF7 took-over
the market and invited people like me ( A nutjob Mario fan ) into the world
of RPG games. I would collect and buy all the SNES games from then ( I sold
some....sigh to recover when my computer was stolen from me ). However
honestly that died down when I realize I could not keep up with the consoles,
and emulation made it possible to load a disc and play on the computer.
I still play those games and could get lost in them for weeks or even years
at a time, without rushing. However as with all games they must be easy for
people to progress. The reviewer fails to mention this fact. As with one-hit
Kefka Pheonix-down. Which is a big joke within itself.
The review itself was meh. I will admit the whole save thing has occur to
me a couple of times. Another reason why I give up on physical videogames
all together. Because of the save battery issue. This forces me to open
the cart and test the battery and then replace it, however I have games
with batteries with saves from so long ago.
However honestly FF6 ( 3 ) intro was allways touching especially with
biggs and wedges ( from Starwars ). Those two reoccuring character literally
are like Number 21 and 24 from "Venture Brothers". If you look at all of their
obvious appearances, they are best part of the game. Like Gilgamesh from
Then of course there was all of the lines and gags during the entire game.
The sad part is that as a kid or young-adult you do not really appreciate
or get these things until later in life. However the translation was never
a good translation. In fact the horror of the GBA translation, outside of removing
the scene where Celes was tortured, makes you wonder if FFV port would have
removed the "she is a girl scene" and pixel boobies "Dragon Ball" moment.
Just the fact they removed the scene, and they swapped the Kefka art to all
of the pop-culture references they installed. It is like how in "Lupin the 3rd"
on Cartoon Network they wrote in "Halle Berrie" in a Cartoon that took place
during the 1960-1970's. Same as with the mistranslations of "Super Milk Chan".
GBA FF6 = rubbish translation outside of the many extras, forcing us to play
the PSP or fan-restoration, translation, which is a big failure for something
so simple.
He also failed to mention the art censorship within the game itself on the SNES.
I understand that but honestly it just makes things more difficult. Still playable,
but again why.
See FF. After you start to realize the real life references and realize the
people making the game could care little or so less. You just do not want to checkout
FF. FF12 on the PS2 is probably as good as the game will ever be. Since FF14 they have
been "rehashing the past" with secret Boss-battles ( like the incomplete Ex-Death )
which is missing fighting the quadropel Ex-deaths. Even using Ultros in a battle.
It just proves how lack of creativity the series have gotten far.
VGNerd also fails to mentions Kefka's hate-speech or even the censoring of that in itself.
You think about it, Kefka has to be more insane then how Europe delt with Jews ( which they
sadly failed ).
When I look to RPGs now it has to be like "Fear and Hunger 1 and 2" or even
something like "Rockman Dash" oreinted.
I do not give a JJ about VNerd because while doing this in his basement.
He had a wife that would pay the bills, and second he has a brother who
is prolific in Hollywood films. It is like how "Press Start" creator
literally ports Turkish films and others to the West, and one of those
people ( like Smithers cop-off ) is a Theater teacher right now. About
the "Comb-Over" science has already taken care of that so there is no reason
why he does not grow some new hair ( JFHairclubmen ) or even transplant hair
from another location on his body. You literally could transplant hair from
other areas of the head to any where you want. I remember when I was in college
( still am ) and ran into this Big VNerd-fan. This guy would not STFU about
Zelda and was a super Anime Weaboo. Eyes poping out, but what is funny we
had a Japanese student in our class and he literally hit it off with that person.
If fact I barely watched Youtube during that time at all, and relied on DLC and
forums for my info.
This is my first reply in like 12 years here! I can’t believe the nerd is still relevant? Glad to hear it. I still watch his stuff from time to time.
Welcome back.
Yeah, James is still making the videos after about 20 years, counting the first 2 episodes that weren't published to Youtube until early 2006. And he's also one of the first guys to post video game reviews on Youtube, or anywhere on the internet, and then gain a following.
Youtube was tiny in the early years...
- Austin
"The Angry Video Game Nerd 8-bit" video game cartridges for NES have been announced by him and Mega Cat Studios.
Tangentially related, and I'm not linking videos for this garbage, but people are saying AVGN is a nazi now or something. He did a cameo on that anti-woke game awards show StutteringCraig put on recently. That's literally it.