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Thread: Chinese subtitles in Asia-region version of "Tales of Legendia"? [SCAJ-20145]

  1. #1
    Cherry (Level 1) layzee's Avatar
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    Question Chinese subtitles in Asia-region version of "Tales of Legendia"? [SCAJ-20145]

    The topic title is pretty self-explanatory: Does the Asia-region version of Tales of Legendia contain Chinese subtitles? (or English text for that matter) The serial number is SCAJ-20145.

    Unless my sources are wrong, the Asia-region version of Tales of Destiny 2 for PS2 contains Chinese subtitles; a pretty rare occurence. Hopefully this is also the case with Tales of Legendia.

    The reason I need to confirm it is because I am selling the game and would prefer not to downgrade from "brand new & sealed" to merely "mint". So I am posting this thread as a last resort before I proceed to unseal the uhh... prestigious plastic that separates me and the answer to the question.

  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10) smork's Avatar
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    Don't know about that title specifically, but it's not rare at all for Asia-version titles. Most of those are made for the Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong markets -- predominantly Chinese. I don't have so many Asia-version PS2 games, but I have 20 or 30 360 games, and alot of those have Chinese as an option.

    In Halo 3's case, there wasn't even the original English dub, only the Chinese soundtrack! You did have the option of English or Chinese subs.

    Given how Play Asia's description of this version includes Chinese text, I would think it highly likely that Chinese subs are in fact an option.

  3. #3
    Cherry (Level 1) layzee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by smork View Post
    Don't know about that title specifically, but it's not rare at all for Asia-version titles. Most of those are made for the Singapore, Taiwan, and Hong Kong markets -- predominantly Chinese. I don't have so many Asia-version PS2 games, but I have 20 or 30 360 games, and alot of those have Chinese as an option.
    I think it's mostly a recent development (since say, second half of the PS2's life). I've played a fair few Asia-region version PS1 and PS2 games in my time and none of what I saw contain any Chinese text, although a few might contain English text.

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    Cherry (Level 1) layzee's Avatar
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    Just checked... Japanese only, no Chinese text.

    Google has failed me (or the information that I require is too obscure)...

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