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Thread: What MMORPG are you playing?

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    Peach (Level 3) ghostangelofcky's Avatar
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    Default What MMORPG are you playing?

    Just stopped playing WOW, I hit 63, slow lvl'ing and no story for anything and I lost all interest in this title.

    Looking for a new one.

    played Dungeon runners made me wanna play Dungeon Seige haha

    and I'm waiting on a new mobo & cpu to play Conan on the 20th

    So what are you all playin?

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    ServBot (Level 11) roushimsx's Avatar
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    Right now the only one I'm playing is Mythos, but I'm sticking to pretty much just solo play. Once a few friends get accepted into the beta (or once it goes fully open) then I'll probably mess around with the guild and party it is, I just ignore the chat window and wander around clicking on stuff, craft stuff, and deconstruct stuff.

    I generally don't enjoy MMORPGs, but in the past I totally dug Motor City Online (RIP) and Neocron (back when it had a population). Good times.

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    Insert Coin (Level 0) Krook's Avatar
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    Im currently playing Lineage 2 on a private server and just started on a mmorpg called perfect world.

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    Ultima Online

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    Pac-Man (Level 10) FantasiaWHT's Avatar
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    I've sworn off the foul things. Good riddance, I say!

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    Pretzel (Level 4) Kaboomer's Avatar
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    Can I ask all you MMOG guys your opinion on something? Are there places you all go to buy and sell virtual items or classes or characters? I have added an area to to auction off these types of items, but not sure if people do this??

    Any thoughts on this? And, if it is something you guys do, should I break out the differnent games into their own categories? And agian, if so, what are the most popular MMOG's that people are playing.

    Thanks for your information.

    So Cal Mike

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    I'm with FantasiaWHT. Those things are the bane of real games.

    Right now I've just installed Neverwinter Nights and am enjoying some multiplayer coop with a friend from work.
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    Yeah i've had my fill of MMO'S also. I bat around FFXI, PSU, and EVE but never stay with one for more than a month or so as the cost is just not justified considering the experiences I receive from other games I don't have to "pay to play".

    I'm quite enjoying Two Worlds at the moment though.

  9. #9
    ServBot (Level 11) roushimsx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by calthaer View Post
    I'm with FantasiaWHT. Those things are the bane of real games.

    Right now I've just installed Neverwinter Nights and am enjoying some multiplayer coop with a friend from work.
    That's generally my opinion as well and the few that have attracted me have done so because of their similarity to "normal" games I typically play. Motor City Online was a nice Need For Speed offshoot (would have been better as a stand alone game...thanks for fucking that up, EA) that felt like an evolution from Porsche Unleashed (unlike pretty much every NFS since). To date, I still feel it has the best driving model of the NFS games (despite having the NFS title stripped off when it went online only).

    Neocron was an interesting hybrid of first person shooter and RPG, almost like an online Deus Ex. It's a shame it never really took off after the open beta (when it was at its highpoint thanks to the packed servers), because once everyone left a lot of the magic went with it. Getting into fights in bars in the red light district, racing across the wasteland on bikes with your buddies, manipulating the stock exchange, etc was fun as hell. Once everyone left it just turned into a grind-a-thon

    Mythos is basically Diablo II.5 multiplayer. Anyone that enjoyed Diablo at all would do well to check it out, as it's a hell of a lot more successful than *shudder* Hellgate London (same dev house). A recent change implemented an optional camera mode that makes it more WoWy, but I stick with the classic 3/4 overhead view since that's where the money is for me. It's a shame there's no single player campaign to click through, because I think it'd be a lot more enjoyable than most of the other games of the style (like Dungeon Siege and Dark Alliance).

    Hell, Neverwinter Nights can pretty much be considered an MMORPG depending on which servers you play on. Which reminds me, I need to take another crack at the singleplayer and see if I can actually force myself through that first series of quests. Even if it doesn't get better, I want to play through it so that I can safely move onto the expansion quests (which are apparently substantially more awesome). Are you co-oping through the whole kit n' caboodle?

    ...but I do agree that generally they're massive time sinks with very little point other than to grind up levels and chat with friends via a manner other than the telephone or IM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Krook View Post
    Im currently playing Lineage 2 on a private server and just started on a mmorpg called perfect world.
    Perfect World is pretty neat, guessing you're on the Malaysian open beta?

    I've been on FFXI forever, it's the only MMO I've been able to stick with.

    I just don't get WoW with its half-cartoonish look and lack of that "substance" feeling that I get with FFXI.

    I played City of Heroes for 5 months and loved every second of it, but it doesn't go anywhere. Cap is 50, I got to 25. However, the way the game is set up, you can get "sidekicked" to party with higher level players, and the same goes for lower level parties. So at lv25, I could gain proportionate exp with lv50s, or just work off exp debt by playing with lv12s. I quit because the gameplay isn't any different at lv50 from what it is at lv1. It's fun as hell for 25 levels, though.

    Everquest II was what all my friends left FFXI for. I gave it a try, liked it, and stuck with it for a bit. Didn't get past lv12 I believe. I spent more time tweaking my system to run it at a decent framerate (or a RATE of frames at all, it's the jerkiest thing ever). I quit because it just ran like crap. I then find out that even high end systems get crap performance, and all my friends are playing on meh systems, so they were looking at a slideshow. <No thanks.>

    PSO stuck with me. I first played Blue Burst, and hated it the first time. I was expecting something a bit more open and expansive. A few days later, I gave it another shot and loved it for what it was. Subscribed for two months, but there was hardly anyone to play with (this was January of 05 I believe). I found Schthack's server (which DID have people on it), and started playing PSOPC, then got PSOGCN. Now he's got BB up and it's better than the Sega servers ever were, and always populated.

    I've floated around to a lot of free MMOs. Age of Armor shows a lot of promise. Perfect World seems like the big-expansive MMO I'd go for if I quit FFXI. Archlord is creative, though actually BEING the Archlord is restricted to guild leaders, so joining a guild is just helping someone else. RF Online is cool, if a bit of a grinder. Mabinogi is pretty neat with its age system. There's also a lot of generic ones, most Korean, that are interesting if you just want a basic MMO. However, none of them have drawn me in to actually play more than an hour or so.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostangelofcky View Post
    Just stopped playing WOW, I hit 63, slow lvl'ing and no story for anything and I lost all interest in this title.
    It definately slows down once you hit the Outlands at 60 so I can see why you have stopped. Especially if you are a warrior they are a pain to level imo. My orc warrior made it to 8 and is now parked at Org as my bank alt. Maybe I'll go back and level him someday.

    You should re-roll as a Druid. It's the most fun of all the classes imo.

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    I'm currently playing City of Heroes. I've got a character on the Freedom server and 2 on Virtue.

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    Bell (Level 8) Custom rank graphic
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    Hmmmm.. Let's see...

    I played Toon Town 5-6 years ago, my kid sister had an account, so I used one of her character slots. I found Toon Town to be fun, but really shallow, like a poor man's WoW. It's probably because Toon Town is marketed towards kids. You can't even chat in the game, they have a set of comments you can use, like "Come over here" or "You look nice today."

    I used to play KoL a lot in the past few years. I just haven't had time to play it recently. It's a great little free MMORPG that's constantly being updated and improved. The fact that this game has kept my attention for just over 3 years is a sign that this game is great.

    I was playing Star Sonata. The game just plays too slow for me. It takes forever to get from one galaxy to another, and it's laggy server doesn't make things better. You need to be a member to experience all the good stuff like slave ships and the ability to capture other ships. I just lost interest in that game, but I will admit, I keep on finding myself coming back to that game for some reason, maybe it's I want to like it but I can't.

    I also was playing Runescape, but I just couldn't play that game. I have a busier schedule than my other friends, all of whom play Runescape 24/7. I just couldn't keep up with them level wise and I just didn't like the fact that all of my friends were passing me up when I joined the game before them. Also, I was paying $5 a month for a game that I was playing maybe 1 or 2 times a week.

    I sometimes play Diablo II online. It's amazing a 10 year old game is still being played by hundreds of people online. That just shows how good it is. Every once in a while I'll get a hankering for some Diablo II and I end up playing it for at least 4 or 5 hours.
    Check my auctions here! I am in the business of finding off-beat things, including video game stuff!

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    MMO's? check my x-fire sig and you will see that I've spent a few hours here and there with them.

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    Cherry (Level 1) Kamisama's Avatar
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    I've played Ragnarok Online for like some years, but stopped 2 years ago. It's still a nice game and sometimes I check out what's new and who's still online

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    Pac-Man (Level 10) FantasiaWHT's Avatar
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    I used to LOVE the things, especially in college and right after it. I used to play Nexus: Kingdom of the Winds (an early Nexon MMO in a 16-bit RPG graphical style) 30-40 hours per week. It was a huge social thing, I never leveled up all that much. I tried out a bunch in the years following, like EQ, DAOC, FFXI, PSO, PSU, SWG, WOW... but never stuck with any of them for more than a couple months.

    I was really REALLY pumped about Pirates of the Burning Sea back when it was first announced. Followed it religiously, but completely lost interest after it became apparent that they were going to take absolutely no risks and make it as similar as possible to every other MMO out there. So now it's just a really pale version of WOW with ships.

  17. #17
    Peach (Level 3) ghostangelofcky's Avatar
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    Default descision for the year 2008

    sorry mispost

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    I purchased the WoW Battle Chest about 3 weeks ago. It's still fresh & I've still got alot to learn & see & do etc. I've only played one class at the moment.

    I don't see myself purchasing anymore for a while. Here's hoping someone, someday, releases a Star Trek MMORPG I'd love that!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trevelyan View Post
    Here's hoping someone, someday, releases a Star Trek MMORPG I'd love that!
    It's in the works. I forget what it's called, but it's on schedule for the next year or so, as long as it hasn't been canceled yet.

  20. #20
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    All I have ever played really was FFXI. I started on the launch of the PS2 version and converted over to the 360 version when that was released (big difference). I take breaks from the game (I think everyone does with FFXI you just have to) they range from 3 months to almost 1 year. I returend to the game maybe 2 months ago after about a 3-4 month break and I am liking my addiction to the game right now because when I used to play FFXI I would not dare play anything else, and all my free time went to FFXI, however right now I casualy play it everyday (sometimes I miss a day or so) for 3-5 hours, which is nothing compared to the 8-12 hours I used to do daily on it.

    I have told myself I would quit this game before and attempted to, but I always end up coming back.

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