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Thread: Buying-Big loot or many picks????

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Buying-Big loot or many picks????

    Hey fellas,

    Been meditating about this a few hours now and i´d like to know your opnion:
    Do you go out hunting for a big loot or you go a few times to buy a smaller pack????

    For me, i just can´t save a good amount of money, if i can buy 2 snes carts or a few sms i just hit the road and make it a few times on the week

    Hunting down to the last breath!

  2. #2
    Cherry (Level 1) modest9797's Avatar
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    Everyone says bulk is better, but I typically dont find them. So I ussually just stick with buying "singles"
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  3. #3
    Apple (Level 5)
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    It depends on what it is and how much it's going for. When you're starting out for a console or series, best to start bulk. (More per dollar with haggling and bargains for multiple great games.) I've known people, even myself, who've paid less buying in groups, then individually.

    I've only consider singles, if the price comes close to my price, or a game rarely found in the wild.

    However, with gas prices rising, its best to narrow your range and plan better for less frequent trips.
    Last edited by Press_Start; 05-23-2008 at 09:26 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    You're just a hypocrite. I'm bashing Nintendo because I'm anti Nintendo, but my reasoning behind bashing them is always accurate. You should learn to do some research.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
    I personally think it's greed to expect that you can pay for a game once and then do whatever you want with it.
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    Luigi (Level 20) Custom rank graphic
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    Depends on how much I have at the time and how much I see that I want to get.
    Last edited by kainemaxwell; 05-24-2008 at 11:50 AM.
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  5. #5
    Kirby (Level 13) cyberfluxor's Avatar
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    I only go out hunting/digging when I've got money to spend. I pass on a lot of questionable stuff, but overall I generally haul back lots of loot. When I go out I don't restrict myself to game hunting, and that's why I find so much. Why drive around for a few hours, hitting over a dozen spots but only look at games?

    To me, Friday is the best day. Most places are open for a little longer and many locals go out on Saturday morning, so I get early pickings. Generally there's at least one thing to pick up everywhere.
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  6. #6
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Cyberfluxor, i do restrict my huntings to games, right now i´m waiting my breakfast to set foot on another trip to a Hunt, saturday morning is the best day to do it, and i only have 18R$(That money can only bring me 1 SNES Cart, 1 or maybe 2 GEN Cart or 2 CD Games or maybe 3 or 4 SMS games) but it´s allright to me, i just wanna have a fresh new game to play all this weekend.
    Will post it as soon as i arive

    Hunting down to the last breath!

  7. #7
    Kirby (Level 13) cyberfluxor's Avatar
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    It just depends on your area. I don't know how much selection of shops you have but never limit yourself to game stores. Thrift, pawns, flea markets, and yard sales are just a few possible places to find games for cheap. Around here I have no luck at flea markets, generally finding tires, rims, clothes, guns/knives, jewelry, and random stuff I don't care much for. Maybe there's some golden flea market around here, but I have my plate full of other great digging spots I struggle to hit them all in a day. Just go around looking down business streets and shopping centers to discover these places and maybe your 18R$ will go farther.
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  8. #8
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Thanks cyberfluxor, although i visit at least once in a week the game stores my main hunting spot is a HUGE, yet MASSIVE flea market.For today i got a pretty good SMS loot from a guy that knows nothing about games.Think i´d be more patience and pay more attention to something other than the stores itself, the bad thing is that you never know where and when they´ll show up.
    And for my 18R$, it was greatly spent:
    All the SMS games bellow

    For comparation, the SMW2 Yoshi Island went for 20R$(sold some shitty games and get extra cash).
    Last edited by natinh0; 05-24-2008 at 02:45 PM.

    Hunting down to the last breath!

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