Am I totally blind or is Daytona USA CCE Netlink Edition missing from the Saturn list? How rare is this game? It's the only Netlink game I've never seen.
Am I totally blind or is Daytona USA CCE Netlink Edition missing from the Saturn list? How rare is this game? It's the only Netlink game I've never seen.
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All Your Prototypes Are Belong To Us!
Hrm... I remember seeing it back in the day but I can't say that I have a copy of it. The netlink stuff hit the shelves and was yanked in practically the same week.
I'm not 100% sure on this, but if memory serves the Daytona USA CCE in the US had netlink capability built into it, there wasn't a special netlink edition like Sega Rally Championship had.Originally Posted by Tempest
Can someone confirm? I've been working off of my Saturn list since "back in the day". Need to correct this if it's missing a title!
No it was definetly a seperate product. You can actually buy it new from Sega Parts:
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All Your Prototypes Are Belong To Us!
Yeah, there's two Daytona CCE's. The Netlink version was never sold in stores, only direct from Sega. It came with a regular color CCE manual and a supplemental manual in black and white.
Well Sega Parts is sold out. Darn it!
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All Your Prototypes Are Belong To Us!
I can confirm that there was two versions of Daytona for the Saturn. As was stated before, you could only get the Netlink version from Sega themselves. A couple of us Saturd/Daytona fans bought it the day it was announced.
Thanks for the heads up, Matt and everyone. I've added it to the online rarity list. I'm putting it at $20 because that's what Sega-Parts listed it as, but if they're sold out - maybe it should be higher. I don't see any on the usual haunts. This means +1 to the "games I need for Saturn" list, urgh.