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Thread: Madden 09 No1: proof of bad state of PSP gaming right now.

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    Default Madden 09 No1: proof of bad state of PSP gaming right now.

    Ok, ok, don't throw your Big Macs at me...

    The caveat to my argument is that this is in the UK.

    I walk into a 'Game' store and Madden 09 for PSP is number one of their in store top 10 list.

    Seriously, in a country where American football is probably less popular then morris dancing and the average person wouldn't be able to name even one player i think this really shows the current lack of quality psp titles for this to be placed at the top of a sales list.

    Have 'Soccer' (damn i hate using that americanism!) games managed to make an impression on the American market and if so would that equally signal a low depression in gaming for you lot?

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    Great Puma (Level 12) Custom rank graphic
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    If a FIFA or UEFA game (heck, even a Winning Eleven game) got to the top of the lists of most sold games, it would signal a drought, yes.

    Oh, and there are a few good games. Dracula X Chronicles, Ape Escape, Portable Ops, Loco Roco, God of War, Gurumin, Every Extend Extra, Patapon, and WTF! are the ones that stand out to me.

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    oh sure, there are some great games - it's just that a top 10 list reflects recent releases and to see a Madden game above crisis core just got a few warning lights flashing about what the general populous feels is available to spend their money on.

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    PSP is in an interesting place right now.

    It's spent the better part of the past year dominating Japan's hardware sales (thanks in part to games like Final Fantasy Crisis Core and Monster Hunter Portable).

    This may not mean much at the moment, but it does a lot to assure that it will have a continued lifespan if in nothing else - localizations of software from that region.

    Yeah, there may be a bit of a drought at the moment, but that's a good time to look at some of the back-catalog that you might not have previously played with.

    Not to mention it's still summer, which is always "drought" season for all platforms.

    Give it a bit of time and we'll probably see some nice new games lined up for the system from software developers that weren't banking on such a sales boom and are just now getting on board (or back on board) to capitalize on it's recent successes.
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    Bell (Level 8) mnbren05's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tmc View Post
    Seriously, in a country where American football is probably less popular then morris dancing and the average person wouldn't be able to name even one player
    I would venture the average citizen of England can name at least one heck maybe up to a half dozen players from the NFL. (Especially with the NFL playing a holding games in England.) It would seem to me that it Madden sales would rise simply due to an increase in interest/fan base. For a console like the PSP with a fewer releases, it makes sense that it could make it to #1 even if it may not be one of the general public's top interests.

    I do agree that the titles and release schedule does seem lacking. This summer has been pretty barren, and I really hope some more quality games come out for a great hand held console.

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    While the PSP has been less than stellar with its light software lineup, I am very hesitant about worrying about a sony system and hardware life. With that being said, I traded my PSP this last summer for a large amount of TG-16 games...I look forward to getting another one soon. I give it a couple more years before it gets replaced. Heck, I am just looking forward for the system to become very affordable($150 and under).
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    Quote Originally Posted by tmc View Post
    Ok, ok, don't throw your Big Macs at me...

    The caveat to my argument is that this is in the UK.

    I walk into a 'Game' store and Madden 09 for PSP is number one of their in store top 10 list.

    Seriously, in a country where American football is probably less popular then morris dancing and the average person wouldn't be able to name even one player i think this really shows the current lack of quality psp titles for this to be placed at the top of a sales list.

    Have 'Soccer' (damn i hate using that americanism!) games managed to make an impression on the American market and if so would that equally signal a low depression in gaming for you lot?

    Ummm, didn't an NFL game, featuring quite possibly one of the worst teams ever, nearly / if not completely sell out Wembley Stadium.

    Methinks you may underestimate the popularity of the American Football game in your country. - My blog about boardgames, and sometimes food. - My blog about Viewmaster collecting

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    Quote Originally Posted by Frankie_Says_Relax View Post
    PSP is in an interesting place right now.

    It's spent the better part of the past year dominating Japan's hardware sales (thanks in part to games like Final Fantasy Crisis Core and Monster Hunter Portable).

    This may not mean much at the moment, but it does a lot to assure that it will have a continued lifespan if in nothing else - localizations of software from that region.

    Yeah, there may be a bit of a drought at the moment, but that's a good time to look at some of the back-catalog that you might not have previously played with.

    Not to mention it's still summer, which is always "drought" season for all platforms.

    Give it a bit of time and we'll probably see some nice new games lined up for the system from software developers that weren't banking on such a sales boom and are just now getting on board (or back on board) to capitalize on it's recent successes.
    I won't mention that Sony recently stated that their 10 year policy for gaming systems is also in effect for the PSP. They've still got another 6+ years of gaming to go (with a mere handful of games a year to keep the system afloat... but think of all the LE systems we'll get (since God Of War, Daxter, Star Wars Battlefront AND Madden 09 have all gotten the PSP 2000 LE love)!
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    Let me point out that you walked into a Game store and saw Madden on the top of their list. I wouldn't take that as the de facto standard.

    Is it possible that the store was highlighting the new release Madden to push sales?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oobgarm View Post
    Let me point out that you walked into a Game store and saw Madden on the top of their list. I wouldn't take that as the de facto standard.

    Is it possible that the store was highlighting the new release Madden to push sales?
    Yeah, i'm fully aware that the 'game' top ten is not in anyway a sales chart but the fact that they are trying to push the sales of a madden game here is unusual whichever way you swing it, and would indicate that there's little else to push that they think would sell to joe public right now.

    I was also interested to know if a similar situation over in America with a soccer game would be equally unusual and would it too signal a downturn in software.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm not down on American football, it's obviously massively popular your side of the pond, but it's just a few steps away from seeing a Mahjong title number one over here, sales chart or not.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tmc View Post
    Yeah, i'm fully aware that the 'game' top ten is not in anyway a sales chart but the fact that they are trying to push the sales of a madden game here is unusual whichever way you swing it, and would indicate that there's little else to push that they think would sell to joe public right now.

    I was also interested to know if a similar situation over in America with a soccer game would be equally unusual and would it too signal a downturn in software.

    Don't get me wrong, i'm not down on American football, it's obviously massively popular your side of the pond, but it's just a few steps away from seeing a Mahjong title number one over here, sales chart or not.
    I think that Euro Football is probably more popular in the US overall than American Football is in Europe, considering that Euro Football is a far more "global" sport.
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    Another reason for it being #1 on the list may be due to the fact that people are purchasing the PSP madden pack (VERY nice metallic dark blue PSP slim) and hence purchasing the game in the process. I have no real desire for Madden 09 (although I do know many of my friends at work who think it is the best thing this year) but I purchased it inadvertently by purchasing the blue PSP....just because I completely love the color.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mnbren05 View Post
    I would venture the average citizen of England can name at least one heck maybe up to a half dozen players from the NFL. (Especially with the NFL playing a holding games in England.)
    Heh...I'm American and I can't even name ONE NFL player....and off the top of my head...I can only think of two NASCAR drivers for that matter. I suspect I'm the exception to the rule though....
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    It is no secret that developers aren't making as much money on this system because of the high rate of bootlegging going on for software. If you look at releases in the US, there are fewer and fewer.

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