WTB SNES COMMONS......everything must be in good shape......also looking for a snes console 2 game system..................
WTB SNES COMMONS......everything must be in good shape......also looking for a snes console 2 game system..................
Last edited by Joe West; 09-03-2008 at 06:24 PM.
pm sent
do not buy/get system repair from martin krohn aka iamnotageek.com
I have a CIB Model 2. Only missing the plastic baggies around the items, and the barcode.
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I have Family Fued, Wheel of Fortune, and Jeopardy, complete for SNES. PM me if you are interested.
It would be faster to tell you what games I don't have.
all pm's answered......................................
i have a booth there, been there 2 years, selling.? oh video games & dvd movies.....
people sell snes games all the time, but not in the <cib type> you know what i mean....
I have a loose SNES 2 system with all the hookups if your interested... shipped from 04953
all pm's answered.......
Ive got spankys quest, cart and box only. Thats all I can contribute.
what do you want for it shipped
I have a complete Road Riot 4wd game. $15 shipped if you want it.
My deviantart page:http://emceelokey.deviantart.com/
My Trade List: http://www.digitpress.com/forum/show...ferrerid=21761