9/9/99. We hardly knew ye.
9/9/99. We hardly knew ye.
Ask me anything http://formspring.me/squirrelnut1416
Next year will be it's big party.
Still, happy birthday Dreamcast.
It's weird to think that it's already been 9 years since the DC's launch and wha't even more amazing is that Sony plans on keeping the PS3 around for 10 years. I honestly couldn't even try to think of the DC living past '04. I could'nt even imagine the Xbox being competetive past '06. Even if the PS3 has killer games in 2013 I stil think people will want a new system just for the sake of having a new system.
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To be fair the PS1 and PS2 still had/has life after a prolonged period of time... but screw them, this is the Dreamcast's day and the Dreamcast's thread. May the spiral live forever!
I knew something in me to buy another dreamcast last month...![]()
MY 100th POST:
SUNDAY, AUGUST 31, 2008.... @ 9:41 A.M.
Mount Snakemoore
damn, 9 years already?![]()
meow :3
I still remember the day we met, in late August. Hollywood Video's Dreamcast promotion gave a rental test drive of the creamy white system.
So I took Sonic Adventure for a spin.
That was the day the neighbor hit the fire hydrant outside our house, letting a geyser of water spray 15 feet high for 30 minutes.
Then we met again on 9/9/99. Such a sweet reunion. I still have my launch day promo T-shirt I got for pre-ordering the system.
Best picture I could get
Last edited by SpaceHarrier; 09-09-2008 at 08:45 PM.
In celebration, I bought Soul Calibur on Saturday for $2
For the glory of the Lion, and for the Emperor!
mmm... and while we're gathered here today, lets celebrate the 7 year anniversary of its death. for me, its a happier day. sega deserves it for making me spend cash on everything of thiers between the genesis and now.
I can't believe it was 9 years. Wow. Still one of the best titles in any game anywhere was Test Drive 6 - Fear Factory's remake of Cars. The only time I loved sitting through the titles...and the video!
^you nailed it on the head. i would play that game until my thumb was raw
Ask me anything http://formspring.me/squirrelnut1416
Happy birthday DC one of the most under rated console that sega made.
Good for ports of arcade games and shoot'em ups as well.
Just a while ago i got it out again afther getting under defeat for it.
Thanks for MvC, Garou, CvSNK, Grandia, Shenmue, House of the Dead 2 and so many, many great games that I still enjoy.
Ha! In before midnight, central time!
Happy Birthday Dreamcast! I own three of you and I still play one regularly (the others are backups!)
So many fond memories of playing 4 player San Fran Rush 2049, Toy Commander, etc, with the guys! Fun times...
Dreamcast is still my favorite system even though I don't play it as often as I should. I did fall asleep with it on the bed next to me last week, which is another story entirely.
When I get some dough, I plan to buy another shoot 'em up for the DC, but for now, I think I'll try to get around to playing that import copy of Guilty Gear X that's been sitting on the kitchen counter for several months now...
Currently catching up on PSN, WiiWare, Wii U E-Shop and Xbox Live Arcade exclusives I missed.
Oh and can I also say that NFL2K kicked MADDEN'S ASS!
Which is why EA had to buy the exclusive rights!
Long live the Swirlie. Last month I actually had the house to myself for a week while my wife went away. I took my DC and entire library upstairs to the living room and kicked back and played the system, outside of the "man cave gaming room", for the whole week. The gaming room has an LCD tv, which the DC tends to look like crap on. The living room has a nice 27" tube tv, which the DC always looked great on.