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Thread: Nuby Game Light

  1. #1
    Kirby (Level 13) zektor's Avatar
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    Default Nuby Game Light

    I snatched up an auction with a Gameboy (original) and a few games. I mainly grabbed it for the games, but a "Nuby Game Light" was included in the auction. Now, I know, I could just play the games with a GBA SP and be done with it, but what fun is that? I like the original Gameboy for the original experience, but the one thing I do not like is the fact that I can barely see a thing....unless I am sitting behind a pretty strong light source.

    The Nuby Light is freakin' awesome. I have used various lights, but I really am surprised that this one works as well as it does. I was actually able to enjoy some games tonight on the old brick. Anyone have/use this? Is there anything better light-wise for the original Gameboy that you live by?
    Last edited by zektor; 09-11-2008 at 12:09 AM.

  2. #2
    Pretzel (Level 4) coreys429's Avatar
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    I haven't used it yet, I cleaned out a pawn shop and got a ton of those lights.

  3. #3
    Pac-Man (Level 10) The Manimal's Avatar
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    I had the High Frequency (aka Toys R Us) light for the Game Boy, and it worked pretty well. Years down the road, I picked up an official "Light Boy" off of eBay NOS, and was honestly disappointed with it. With the Light Boy, you have to remove it every time you change a game pak, whereas with the High Frequency, it had an open area where you could change games without removing it. I haven't tried the Nuby.

  4. #4
    Kirby (Level 13) zektor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Manimal View Post
    I had the High Frequency (aka Toys R Us) light for the Game Boy, and it worked pretty well. Years down the road, I picked up an official "Light Boy" off of eBay NOS, and was honestly disappointed with it. With the Light Boy, you have to remove it every time you change a game pak, whereas with the High Frequency, it had an open area where you could change games without removing it. I haven't tried the Nuby.
    You don;t have to remove the Nuby at all for game switching or any other Gameboy function. It can stay on indefinitely, which is great. I am surprised tho that it takes four AA batteries!

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