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Thread: Final fantasy 7

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    Default Final fantasy 7

    Well i just got final fantasy 7, 8, & 9 and i was wondering if anyone felt like helping me out. I just passed the part where you take Cid's little plain but then it crashes into the water and becomes your boat. I went to the temple of the ancients but i need the key stone, So i found this small village that leads you into a forest you need the lunar harp to get through but i dont have it so i can't do that either and now i cant find where to go so if anyone could help me i'd really apreciate it.

  2. #2
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    usualy if I get stuck at certain parts of games, I usually check for walkthroughs. A lot of people say that the forums suck over there, which I wouldn't know about, but I do know that I almost always get the info i need with thier walkthroughs that are posted there. As far as FF7 goes, its been a very long time since I played it, so I can't tell you off the top of my head.

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    alright thx for the help ill check it out

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    Quote Originally Posted by OrginizationXIII View Post
    Well i just got final fantasy 7, 8, & 9 and i was wondering if anyone felt like helping me out. I just passed the part where you take Cid's little plain but then it crashes into the water and becomes your boat. I went to the temple of the ancients but i need the key stone, So i found this small village that leads you into a forest you need the lunar harp to get through but i dont have it so i can't do that either and now i cant find where to go so if anyone could help me i'd really apreciate it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Itachi_the_fallen_god View Post
    alright thx for the help ill check it out

    See now, we don't do that kind of thing here. You pick ONE nick and stick with it.

    We also try to avoid help me get through X spot threads as well. That is why there are FAQ's on sites like GameFAQs for all to use. At best we tend to have 'A' single thread for x game laying about here. Use the search engine, find that thread and bump it IF you must, but please don't continue to go about and create threads everytime you need help with something.

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