Sorry if somebody has started a similar thread but i didn't see one. I was thinking about this the other day and realized that for me at least, how i decide if a game is beaten or not depends on what kind of game it is. Action adventure games are easy. If i beat the final boss and/or see the credits, the game is beaten. RPGs are a little harder to classify for me. Often there are still more things to do and more places to explore even after you have completed the main mission. For me, i try to stick with considering it beaten when the main story is over, but i know alot of people strive for 100 percent completion before calling it a day, finishing all side quests and collecting items. With racing and fighting games i will usually call it beat if i have completed all the challenges and unlocked all the characters or levels. And then there are puzzle and arcade games which have no true ending. I still don't know what to do about them. Anyways, what do you guys think? When is a game beaten?