Please please please play play play and donate your points to Game Galaxy!
Please please please play play play and donate your points to Game Galaxy!
I think Game Galaxy's quite a bit in the lead now. Close to 200k more points than the nearest competitor. This is one of the more interesting promotions that I've seen in a while, and I hope there are more to come for area arcades.
Also, you may want to update the broken html in your sig
For the good of man and for the proliferation of Game Galaxy Arcade, I'll play and donate my points. I may never get to go there, but if I can play a game to help you out- I'm 'bout it.
Edit: The game is not loading for me. I don't think I can play the game from my Mac, as 10.3.9 doesn't support Flash Player 10. Fuck. I'll try the Vista laptop downstairs.
Last edited by TheDomesticInstitution; 08-11-2009 at 04:04 PM.
Is Game Galaxy DreamTR's arcade?
So far:
Last edited by TheDomesticInstitution; 08-11-2009 at 05:31 PM.
Does the game have an ending, or does it continually loop the same 4 levels? I think I got to level 9 before I had to take a dive and donate my points.
I got 72k and change my first time playing. The music is terrible, and it takes a while for the game to pick up speed and actually present any sort of challenge. It's not too bad otherwise. It would also be much better with a controller.
Wow, Arcade UFO has ESP Galuda II. They're getting my points.
Kidfenris.com: Never Updated.
You sir have 63K points
Is DTR's arcade really doing that badly?
Thanks to everyone helping us out!
KiD Ferris: If we win, I will GET EspGaluga II....
This is a 2 month promotion so please keep playing!
portnoyd: No, none of the 4 arcades are in "danger", we were the ones "chosen" for the promotion, that's all. Every cent we've made has gone right back in to the arcade...
Wow. So not only does this gum brand have awesome commercials, they actually have competent people on their advertising and promo staff? Awesome.
I'll uh, donate a bit.
95,750 on my first try. Marsupial class is ace. Hope the points went through.
Selling gaming accessories. Click
86,400 Points have been added to Game Galaxy.
Best of luck (Arcade UFO is roughly double the others right now, though). I figure that my sitting here going mindlessly through 15 levels of that terrible game shouldn't go to waste, although I'm having misgivings about giving Stride all my personal information. But hey, iz just the Cadbury Bunny, right?
Things wrong about that game (visible through just one playthrough):
-Enemies that can't be shot, enemy bullets that can't be dodged, bosses that can be sine-waved to death and have no real attack to speak of (layer another attack on top of that one and maybe we'll have something that can give Truxton II's first boss a run for its/her money), no autofire but no reason for button mashing, non-configurable buttons, oh and a power bar, life gem, and INERTIA YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!
Things great about that game:
-Visuals, the music (the first loop anyway), character designs (the first 'taur looks like a monkey? Awesome, I chose the marsupial though)
Things lol about that game:
- Never once used the special attack
The first guy with the bananas is awesome...
I gave you 93000 points, (hint, use the shield power up to defeat large amounts of enemies including the boss)
portnoyd: Yeah, they do...and I think from the "biography" we did, we didn't make it sound like we are "hurting" enough.
If they were doing it in the sense of XXX arcade will close without the funds, it's probably the San Francisco arcade for sure. I know we aren't in danger of closing unless the mall closes. We are in the top 10 most "endangered" malls in the country (Hickory Hollow Mall in Antioch, TN)
Console Game sales are now about 40% of our income and less than 10% of our overall space....
Well, there's another 47,975 points; didn't go nearly so far because movement started lagging out and the window resized itself (?!) a few times (maybe it doesn't like tabs).