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Thread: Utopia for Intellivision

  1. #1
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    Default Utopia for Intellivision

    Was this game really fun to anyone else? This was the introduction to strategy based games for me. I went on to Civilization and the rest is history, but this is where it all started. Even as a 7 year old, this game was fun to me.
    I got all excited when I would see that rain coming for my crops.

  2. #2
    Strawberry (Level 2) cityside75's Avatar
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    I've heard Utopia referred to as Civilization 0.5. I played it quite a bit as a kid, the best was playing multiplayer and sinking your buddy's fishing boat.

  3. #3
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I bought an Intellivision II from a coworker in the late '80s, and then I hit all the Toys R' Us stores looking for old games. A bunch of them had Utopia, but it didn't look all that interesting to me. I bought all the other more exciting games first and finally picked up Utopia for a couple bucks on clearance. And I put way more time into that game than most of the others I bought before that. When you push the reset button after a game and start over, setting the timer to maximum, and knowing that you'll do the same thing when this game is over, you've got a truly great game. To think that such a complex game was on a game console back in 1981 or '82, it's astounding to me that it wasn't bigger at the time as a herald of things to come.

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    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    Utopia and B17 Bomber were the two reasons I always wanted and finally bought an Intellivision in the late 80s. Although I had some similar strategy games growing up on the Apple II and C64, something about Utopia was just easy to pick up and super addictive. Civilization and Age of Empires are my two favorite game series of all time and it was Utopia that really led me in that direction.

  5. #5
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    Glad I wasn't the only one.
    I think I spent more time playing Utopia than any other Intellivision game I ever had. The only one even close was SNAFU.

  6. #6
    Banana (Level 7) SamuraiSmurfette's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by houstonlibrarian View Post
    Glad I wasn't the only one.
    I think I spent more time playing Utopia than any other Intellivision game I ever had. The only one even close was SNAFU.
    ^ This exactly for me, too

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