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Thread: Genesis game freezing? is it a sign of a bad game or bad system?

  1. #41
    Cherry (Level 1) raylydiard's Avatar
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  2. #42
    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    pretty hilarious reading through this thread. anyways I came here because my Genesis 1 locked up while I was playing Sonic 2. My first thought was that the system overheated. The system is on a carpet and it's pretty hot where I'm living. Idk. I did have to clean the cartridge to get it to fire up but it doesn't make sense for it to suddenly stop working if it was working just fine for the last 10 minutes.

  3. #43
    Alex (Level 15) Custom rank graphic
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbpxl View Post
    pretty hilarious reading through this thread. anyways I came here because my Genesis 1 locked up while I was playing Sonic 2. My first thought was that the system overheated. The system is on a carpet and it's pretty hot where I'm living. Idk. I did have to clean the cartridge to get it to fire up but it doesn't make sense for it to suddenly stop working if it was working just fine for the last 10 minutes.
    So is gbpxl also Urzu402? Do the IP addresses match?

  4. #44
    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    So is gbpxl also Urzu402? Do the IP addresses match?
    Well your comment earlier, spazzing about him putting a wet cart into his system wasnt really helping matters. Ive done this technique many times, it has never hurt anything. someone else pointed out that its fine to do that too. you'd have to be pouring liquid into the connector in order to potentially do damage to it.

    I'm not chemist but I think a lot of the problem has to do with minor corrosion on the contacts rather than "dirt" or "grime" or whatever. ive noticed that my carts that are kept in the protective sleeves tend to fire up better. less contact with the air.

    I dont have the freezing anymore. I also propped my system up on something to let it breathe a bit better. idk if that is helping it or not.

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