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Thread: NES repair- 72 pin connector / Flshing screen

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Tallise's Avatar
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    Default NES repair- 72 pin connector / Flshing screen

    I have a NES that hasn't been working right for years, and for a rather long time I figured it was the 72 pin connector. It would just flash on and off when a game was inserted, I used to beable to just wiggle the game and sometimes get it working, and that is THE sign it is the 72 pin right? Tonight I was bored so I decided to do some clenaing and I used 91% alchohol on paper folded over a credit card (as I usually do) to clean the pins inside. I waited just a second and put in my Marble Madness and it showed the main screen but was still auto reseting!
    I think the alchohol might have not evaporated as quickly as I had thought, perhaps impoving the connection JUST enough. I want to be sure though that the pins are what need replacing and there isn't another issue to be adressed. I know there are many people WAY more experienced with NES repair than I am, so just thought I should get a consult before tinkering around.

  2. #2
    Peach (Level 3)
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    Sounds like you need a 72 pin connector. Similar problems to what I had before I bought a new 72 pin.

  3. #3
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Tallise's Avatar
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    Cewl thought so!
    Thanks for the reply. :3

  4. #4
    Peach (Level 3)
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    No problem, A new 72 pin doesn't cost much and is somewhat easy to install.

  5. #5
    Peach (Level 3) aclbandit's Avatar
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    You also renew your current 72-pin connector pretty easily by just bending the pins up a bit with a small flathead screwdriver.

    Worked for me for years. Though, eventually, this will make the pins weak, so you should still probably keep a spare connector or two available

  6. #6
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Tallise's Avatar
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    Went to my game store to see if they had the pin so I wouldn't have to order it, and they had it! They said 12 dollars for it, however in the end the manager just gave it to me for free, and installed it, and says he might have a case hanging around since mines hanging on by one screw :3 I <3 my local Games Plus! They would get my bussiness over GameStop anyday, even if I have to drive 20 min extra. Apparently I'm in so often and their profit comes from selling games mostly so they would rather fix my system and know I'll be back on the weekend to get more NES games since I can finally play them again :3
    I feel all happy inside today ^.^

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