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Thread: FT:CIB GB games:Super Mario Land,Dr Mario,Yoshi,Kirby's Dream Land AND a CIB Hyperboy

  1. #1
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    Default FT:CIB GB games:Super Mario Land,Dr Mario,Yoshi,Kirby's Dream Land AND a CIB Hyperboy

    I'm looking to trade these Gameboy games. I would absolutely love to trade these for CIB copies of Megaman I, Megaman II, and/or Megaman III for the Gameboy.

    The Hyperboy I'm really just trying to gauge interest in it. I won it in an auction a few years back and have just been sitting on it. I know it's not that common, and I was wondering if anyone's was interested in it.

    I do have other wants that you can check here:

    If you're interested in something let me know.

    Super Mario Land

    Dr. Mario


    Kirby's Dream Land


    You can see it takes C batteries, I think those are the size. The ones in the box were dead, so I tossed them.

    So yeah, just let me know if you're interested in anything.

  2. #2
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    still looking to see if anyone's interested.

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