Hey what's up Digital Pressians..(Can I use that?!!..lol)
Just wanted to share some of my goodtimes with you in my new segments for all those classic heads that just want to reminisce.
Welcome to Old SKool's: Classic Gaming Theater. We have alot of guests on the show from other publications and honestly would love to hear what other games you would like to see on these segments. Here are a few for starters:
Zombies Ate My Neighbors: http://www.dasreviews.com/das-random...eighbors-snes/
BATTLETOADS!: http://www.dasreviews.com/das-random...oads-nintendo/
and my personal favorite - Turtles in Time : http://www.dasreviews.com/das-random...les-time-snes/
Looking forward to hearing what games you'd like to see!