Hey Guys,

I am an Honours student from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia.

I am currently conducting academic research around disposal of technological products; and in particular “trading-in” (through a retailer) of video game consoles and games. This research is part of my thesis. The outcome of the thesis should be some recommendations on how to improve “trading-in” services that are provided by retailers as well as understanding some of the individual experiences around “trading-in” a video game console or game.

I am looking for some participants for my research project who have had experience around “trading-in” a video game console/game/ or collection of games and consoles through a retailer. The research would involve writing a story regarding your experiences and a short follow up interview; all of which can be done via email and skype or in person (depending on your location).

All participants would be reimbursed by the university for their participation if they complete both the interview and story. If you have this experience around “trading-in” and a strong involvement with consoles and gaming; and would like to participate please private message me and I will send you my email address for further contact.


Vlad Demsar

Student Researcher
Monash University