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Thread: Playstation 2 slim - repair?

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Buapo's Avatar
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    Default Playstation 2 slim - repair?

    Hey, fellas. This is not my first post on these boards, I used to be a member some time ago. I was able to re-register my old username, so I guess they did some "spring cleaning" at some point.

    Anyway, I recently purchased my very first Playstation 2, the slim model. I can pop a game in, and the "Playstation 2" logo will pop up, but then it just goes to black. It SOUNDS like it's trying to read the game. I actually got Guitar Hero III's "loading" bar to come up, and it'll load all the way to the end, but then nothing happens. If I let it sit for a while, it'll just go to black.

    I've done some research and I'm really overwhelmed with the amount of spam and idiotic "how-to" videos on YouTube. I'd like to fix it, if possible. What's a good starting point? I saw a few videos on replacing the entire laser, which seems simple enough... but I was hoping for an easier fix.

    Heh, I still have my DigitalPress Rarity guide from back in the day, so-to-speak. And I really feel like I remember "Tempest" being here back then as well.

    Thanks for any help or direction, guys.

  2. #2
    Insert Coin (Level 0) james42519's Avatar
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    are the switches pushed down when the door is closed? can you push on the top some and get it to work? i have a slim that those switches mess up on. there are 2 of them. one of them is on the reset switch and the other is in the back around the middle screw. the back one swas messed up on mine and it wouldn't read the disc if that didn't get pushed. not sure if this is what is happen.

    can you look in the browser and see if it reads the disc? if it reads it then guess i was wrong but if it don't unless you push on the top of the door then it might be a switch.
    my games. don't have xbox just games for it. game gear is messed up.

  3. #3
    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    Did you try using a regular music CD, PS1 game, or a CD based PS2 game (purple back disc).

    This might be a faulty laser lens. You might need to replace it. Fairly simple to do, or you can even choose to replace the whole assembly, it cost a little more but the switch is even easier.

  4. #4
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Buapo's Avatar
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    Okay guys, going to try those suggestions. Thanks.

    If I did have to replace the laser/assembly, I was totally blown away at how many different places I could get one... where would you buy one?

  5. #5
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Buapo's Avatar
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    I just checked it out, by holding the lid down tight and turning it on. I got both games to boot just fine using this method! So it can't be the laser.

    What is the "permanent fix" for this problem? Do I just put a heavy book on top of the PS2? Hehe.

  6. #6
    Insert Coin (Level 0) james42519's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buapo View Post
    I just checked it out, by holding the lid down tight and turning it on. I got both games to boot just fine using this method! So it can't be the laser.

    What is the "permanent fix" for this problem? Do I just put a heavy book on top of the PS2? Hehe.
    you can open it up and put a piece of tape over the switch that is messed up or bypass the switch. don't know why there are 2 switches but that is what they did. over time i think the plastic wears down and that makes it happen more too. i actually put some game cases on my pstwo for awhile till i did this. the back middle one was the one that messed up on me and wasn't being pushed down. you can test if it is the switch by pushing them both down and seeing if it reads the disc too.
    *looks for guide*
    ok there.
    Last edited by james42519; 08-18-2010 at 04:20 PM.
    my games. don't have xbox just games for it. game gear is messed up.

  7. #7
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Buapo's Avatar
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    I spent some time looking for a similar guide, but I guess I was using the wrong keywords. Thanks, man!

    I can't believe that for once in my life, it was the "incredibly easy, don't have to buy replacement parts" solution.

    Especially makes me happy, because I bought this PS2 slim for $5 at a garage sale.

  8. #8
    Insert Coin (Level 0) james42519's Avatar
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    glad it worked. yeah it is good when it is a easy fix.
    my games. don't have xbox just games for it. game gear is messed up.

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