Do you remember reading about and gushing over those glorious screen shots of Street Fighter II (PCB) for the first time in Mean Machines magazine? Do you remember thinking it must be blinding for them to make an exception by covering and banging on about an arcade game in the first place? Did you rush to your nearest arcade that had one on location to see what all the early fuss was about whilst remembering how bad Street Fighter was? Did you put up with the Super Famicom version (and thus was over a 100 quid poorer) but at the same time save and save until the PCB dropped in price so you could play the real thing on your own SuperGun or arcade machine at home? Were you pretty handy at it and had a reputation at school of being a bit sly slick at SFII? Did you bunk off school with your mates to play it down the arcade? Was your life never quite the same from this period on? These are some of my cherished memories, if you have similar ones:

Date: 19/03/11.
Start: 19:00.
Location: English Pub, Meguro Line.
Cost: Y3,000 all-you-can-drink from their on tap draught selection.

Entertainment on a big screen:

Street Fighter II' Turbo: Hyper Fighting - Capcom Power System CHANGER version.
Street Fighter Zero 2 - Capcom Play System II version.
Street Fighter Zero 3 - Cacpom Play System II version.

Celebrate the biggest coin-op sensation ever!


for further information.

Cheers and thanks for the service.

PC Engine 20th Anniversary Party (2007):

Tokyo Game Show Pre-Party (2010):

Super Famicom 20 Years Party (2010):