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Thread: Bad 1084S-D caps, or worse?

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Bad 1084S-D caps, or worse?

    Seems that my old 1084S-D that was pulled out of storage for usage has gone bad now. Before it worked fine with no image distortion or issues with the RGB guns converging. Lately, that's not the case. The guns are all out of whack now, and the image looks like someone took a corset to it.

    A friend of mine who works on arcade cabinets stated the caps were going bad, but something tells me it's a little more. Could someone provide some info on this? Also, warning as it's a pretty large image.

  2. #2
    Pretzel (Level 4) APE992's Avatar
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    Probably couldn't hurt to replace the caps if it has been in storage. Wonder if you can calibrate the guns.
    I fix things. You name it, I'll work on it. Want something modded? Recapped?

  3. #3
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Yeah, the issue for me would be finding someone close to Orlando that could do so without ripping me off. Only real concern I have about going to a TV repair shop.

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