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Thread: Thief Gold Guide by Prima Games

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Cmo's Avatar
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    Default Thief Gold Guide by Prima Games

    We have this small Thief Gold guide made by Prima Games. My girlfriend bought a few years ago. It was the only one on Amazon at the time. Now I'd like to get a value for it for record purposes. This copy is the only one she has ever seen for sale anywhere. I did a search to see if I could find it for sale anywhere earlier today and came up empty handed. The only information I found was the basic publishing information about the guide. Did a search here and didn't see any previous threads about it. Below are pictures of the front and back. I know what she paid for it, but I am curious what the community would say its worth. So what do you guys say?

  2. #2
    Banana (Level 7) fahlim003's Avatar
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    Given how the market on physical guides is... stagnant I would say not much. I'm interested in this guide purely as a fan, not so much regarding the info within since online FAQs and message boards have long washed away first tier print guide(s) usefulness. Having said that, it doesn't take away that it is uncommon but I doubt the popularity/interest is there to justify more than $10-15 max (with shipping included).
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    Insert Coin (Level 0) Cmo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fahlim003 View Post
    Given how the market on physical guides is... stagnant I would say not much. I'm interested in this guide purely as a fan, not so much regarding the info within since online FAQs and message boards have long washed away first tier print guide(s) usefulness. Having said that, it doesn't take away that it is uncommon but I doubt the popularity/interest is there to justify more than $10-15 max (with shipping included).
    Thanks for the input. Can't say I quite agree with physical guides being stagnant though. We buy and sell stuff all the time with guides being a fairly decent part of our sales. We regularly sell what we get in a timely manner on $10-$100 guides. Some sit of course, but you will have that with anything.

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    Banana (Level 7) fahlim003's Avatar
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    $100 guides? Yeah, that doesn't happen around here and with good reason. I can only speak to my own local experience and for the most part guides are obsolete and are cheap. The only factor that really plays into actual utility is nostaglia and or collecting since the initial usefulness of many older guides has been usurped by online counterparts. Speaking specifically to this guide, I'm only interested since it was brought up as otherwise I would've never thought about the guide despite playing through Thief Gold countless times and having the guide would pair nicely with my original boxed copy. Having said this, even though it's uncommon doesn't necessitate high value out of the gate. I cannot think I'm alone regarding thoughts or interest in this particular guide being at premium.
    Whaddya mean invalid parameters?!

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    Alex (Level 15) Custom rank graphic
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    There's no UPC code on that guide, how was this originally made available?

    I have to agree with fahlim003 that most guides are worthless, but I know there's some rare ones out there worth big bucks including $100 or more. I wouldn't pay that much for any guide but some other people would.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fahlim003 View Post
    $100 guides? Yeah, that doesn't happen around here and with good reason. I can only speak to my own local experience and for the most part guides are obsolete and are cheap. The only factor that really plays into actual utility is nostaglia and or collecting since the initial usefulness of many older guides has been usurped by online counterparts. Speaking specifically to this guide, I'm only interested since it was brought up as otherwise I would've never thought about the guide despite playing through Thief Gold countless times and having the guide would pair nicely with my original boxed copy. Having said this, even though it's uncommon doesn't necessitate high value out of the gate. I cannot think I'm alone regarding thoughts or interest in this particular guide being at premium.
    I didn't necessarily mean that this one is a $100 guide with my previous reply. I was just replying to your statement about guides being stagnant.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy
    There's no UPC code on that guide, how was this originally made available?

    I have to agree with fahlim003 that most guides are worthless, but I know there's some rare ones out there worth big bucks including $100 or more. I wouldn't pay that much for any guide but some other people would.
    I have no idea how this was made available. I have never played a Thief game. My girlfriend also doesn't know how it was available. She just stumbled onto it on Amazon on day. She is a huge fan of Thief so she bought it.

    I also would never pay $100 for a strategy guide, but we have sold them at that price, so some people do. Oblivion GOTY guide regularly sells for us within a couple days for anywhere from $45-$60 just depending on where they are at, at the time of listing.

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    Mega Man (Level 19) The 1 2 P's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cmo View Post
    Thanks for the input. Can't say I quite agree with physical guides being stagnant though. We buy and sell stuff all the time with guides being a fairly decent part of our sales. We regularly sell what we get in a timely manner on $10-$100 guides. Some sit of course, but you will have that with anything.
    I will agree that guides are a pretty good seller for me as well. While I don't sell any for $100, I do sell a fair amount(specifically rpg guides) for $10-30 each. And considering that the majority of the strategy guides I sell were bought pennied out from both Best Buy and Gamestop, l'm definitely making a pretty good profit on them, even the ones I only sell for $3-5 each.

    As for your Thief guide, it should be worth $10-25 to the right person. As you already eluded to, you might have to sit on it for awhile but eventually someone will pick it up, especially if rumors of the newest sequel prove to be true.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The 1 2 P View Post
    I will agree that guides are a pretty good seller for me as well. While I don't sell any for $100, I do sell a fair amount(specifically rpg guides) for $10-30 each. And considering that the majority of the strategy guides I sell were bought pennied out from both Best Buy and Gamestop, l'm definitely making a pretty good profit on them, even the ones I only sell for $3-5 each.

    As for your Thief guide, it should be worth $10-25 to the right person. As you already eluded to, you might have to sit on it for awhile but eventually someone will pick it up, especially if rumors of the newest sequel prove to be true.
    Thanks for the input. I wish I could locate some penny guides from BB. I haven't seen a BB price them that in a long time. Hit 3 stores today hoping I'd find some, but nadda.

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