All easter is amongst us... And what better to talk about then Easter Eggs within our favorite games?
What is a easter egg in programing/video gaming jargon you ask?
Its something that was added (usually visual) to a program or video game secretly that has no relation to the program/game.
I noticed an interesting one as a example last night in American Mcgee's ALICE (playing it through since its been awhile since i last played it so i can go play the sequel!) if you go to the white castle in the chess world you'll see paintings... 1 of them happen to be a actual photograph of Lewis Carroll and others being original art work pieces from the original Alice in Wonderland books that mr Carroll wrote all those many years ago. Also the famous images of alice and cheshire cat rendered in the game and a few other pieces.
I remember vaguely Quake 2 having a room towards the end of the game that had pictures of all the developers and some of them would things if you push a button or something.
Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time when you enter hyrule castle and in the court yard.. if you look to the right of the princess into a window you'll see artwork from Mario 64 plastered on the wall.
what are some others?