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Thread: 1980's gaming newsletter "The Logical Gamer"

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    Default 1980's gaming newsletter "The Logical Gamer"

    I am looking for copies of "The Logical Gamer" which was written by Alan Bechtold and Mike Wilson in 1982-1983, it was in a newsletter format. If anyone has any information please let me know, also if I have this in the wrong forum let me know as well. I just found this site and at a quick glance seemed like a perfect place to start looking!

  2. #2
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Random_Terrain's Avatar
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    One is on this page:

    Looks like room was made for more, but there are blank images and the links go to the wrong place. Maybe more will be added later. At least we have one for now. I hope more are on the way. If Alan Bechtold and Mike Wilson are still alive, it would be nice if they would scan them in for us.

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    Yep, I saw that one, but was hoping someone here may have an actual copy of one still floating around. I would love to say that Michael Wilson would be able to scan a few copies, but he is my Dad, and I know he does not have any copies left lying around. Which is why I was looking for some. It was funny, I sent him the link to the one above, and he was laughing his butt off as he was reading it, it was really cool to be able to talk to him about it. Anyways, thanks for the info!

  4. #4
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Random_Terrain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrjoshuaw View Post
    Yep, I saw that one, but was hoping someone here may have an actual copy of one still floating around. I would love to say that Michael Wilson would be able to scan a few copies, but he is my Dad, and I know he does not have any copies left lying around. Which is why I was looking for some. It was funny, I sent him the link to the one above, and he was laughing his butt off as he was reading it, it was really cool to be able to talk to him about it. Anyways, thanks for the info!
    It's cool that you're related to one of them. I think some people at AtariAge have complete collections, but they haven't been scanned in yet. I'll post there and give a link to this thread. Maybe one of them will be able to find the time to get them scanned in.

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