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Thread: Wipeout HD and Fury tracks free for 2048 owners who already own Wipeout HD and Fury.

  1. #1
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Default Wipeout HD and Fury tracks free for 2048 owners who already own Wipeout HD and Fury.

    I just went to the PSN(on PS3) and went to Vita add ons, saw Wipeout Fury bundle there, or you can get them seperately. The bundle has an error as it also has the PS3 versions attempt to download as well. Anyways, I'd recommend pick it up if you own both 2048 and HD.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 06-23-2012 at 03:31 AM.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

  2. #2
    Peach (Level 3) duffmanth's Avatar
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    I bought Wipeout HD for $20 a few years ago and never played. Thanks for reminding me I downloaded it, now I wanna play it!

  3. #3
    Giganticus breathalizer Mr Mort's Avatar
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    This is how it should be done. I already had HD Fury for the PS3, and bought my Vita with 2048 a few weeks ago. This is great, I now basically have 2 games in one on the Vita, tho you can only access the PS3 stuff within the 2048 game itself. The trophies, records, and save files are all separate from your PS3 save file tho, so you'll be basically starting those records from scratch again, but I don't mind in the least.

    I'm glad to see that content I bought for the PS3 can be used on my Vita at no extra charge. I hope we see more of this in the future, it is a nice incentive to stick with the PS3 version of certain games if you happen to own a Vita.

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