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Thread: Console or modern games similar to the old SSI Gold box games

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Coleridge's Avatar
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    Default Console or modern games similar to the old SSI Gold box games

    Of all the RPGs I've played, the SSI ones on the C64 were my favorites. I loved the party system and the mix of first-person view for exploring and a third-person tactical view for combat. I'm looking to experience a new adventure along those lines but on a console or a modern computer. Anyone have recommendations of games with that style? I have Pool of Radiance on the NES and Eye for the Beholder for SNES (though I think this one veers from the formula too much). I far prefer these to Japanese-style RPGd.


  2. #2
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    If you like sci-fi, there's Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday on the Genesis. Then there's the SSI-like but with first person travel Dungeons & Dragons: Order of the Griffon on the Turbo.

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head that fills that specific bill.

  3. #3
    ServBot (Level 11) Edmond Dantes's Avatar
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    I think Order of the Griffon is the only console-exclusive done in the style of Gold Box.

    But there's always Unlimited Adventures.

  4. #4
    Kirby (Level 13) j_factor's Avatar
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    Eye of the Beholder is much better on Sega CD. You may also want to check out Warriors of the Eternal Sun for Genesis.

    You won't find a whole lot. It's not a style that was widely copied. Which is rather unfortunate.
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  5. #5
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Coleridge's Avatar
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    Ah, I feared the well was rather dry. Thanks for the suggestions guys. Looking forward to trying the games. Sigh, if only someone would do a kickstarter for a console or steam version of Unlimited Adventures.

  6. #6
    Apple (Level 5) Wraith Storm's Avatar
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    I don't have much to add, but will certainly confirm what was already said.

    Eye of the Beholder on the Sega CD is, imo, the best version of the game. It has great graphics, a good (although out of place) Yuzo Koshiro sound track, and best of all it uses the Mega Mouse. It recreates the PC version and even improves upon it. If you like Eye of the Beholder this is the version to get!

    On the Genesis you have the exclusive D&D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun which is awesome. It's fairly unique as far as SSI gold box style games go. I like how it switches between a skewed 3/4 Ultima perspective for towns and exploration and then moves to the more traditional first person view for dungeons and such. I really liked the games setting and it really stands out from the other SSI games.

    The Genesis also received a port of the PC game Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday. It has its hard core followers, but I have yet to play it. It does however use the gold box engine and should prove familiar to anyone looking for those types of games.

    Then you have the Turbo Grafx exclusive D&D: Order of the Griffon which sucked me in and wouldn't let go. Its a bit more traditional than Warriors of the Eternal Sun. It has awesome grafx (see what i did there?), an excellent moody sound track, and was a blast to play. Although it does have a handful of bugs to watch out for. The music will stop playing after the first round of battle, i believe. It's been a while sine I played it. There are also areas your party can get hung up and stuck when traveling on the over world map. Regardless, its a very fun title.
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