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Thread: PS3 and 360 now past 70 million units sold each.

  1. #1
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Default PS3 and 360 now past 70 million units sold each.

    Sony announced today they were past 70 million units sold as of November 4. Microsoft previously announced the same sales as of September 30. With PS3 and 360 sales still going strong, it's possible that both systems could eventually overtake the Wii. It's highly unlikely, but still a possibility.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 11-16-2012 at 02:44 PM.
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  2. #2
    Mega Man (Level 19) The 1 2 P's Avatar
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    According to this Sony's report is only for consoles shipped, as in sold to retailers as oppossed to sold to customers. That makes a bit of a difference. I also can't see either catching Nintendo this gen but they really don't have to. 50+ million consoles sold worldwide should never be looked at as a loss and all three console makers managed to pull that feat off.
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  3. #3
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Between both Microsoft and Sony, the term shipped and sold is common. Whether they say one or the other it means the same thing to them. Those units are out of their hands and they've made money off of them already from the stores that have purchased them.

    It's just funny that a 360 fanboy comes and makes a reference of shipped only towards Sony's console but doesn't mention a thing about Microsoft using the exact same statement. It's like everyone jumps in any thread regardless of what it is and attempts to turn it into a my favorite console is better than yours. Hypocrite statement because I do it against Nintendo(only sometimes,) but still.

    "According to this, Microsoft's report is only for consoles shipped, as in sold to retailers as opposed to sold to customers." Well damn. Looks like 1 2 P's favorite console with its launch being one year before the other two is about to become last place for this gen in a matter of months. I personally couldn't give a shit, but hey, may as well talk shit when he's acting all fanboy about it.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 11-16-2012 at 06:47 PM.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

  4. #4
    Pretzel (Level 4) LaughingMAN.S9's Avatar
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    nintendo may have clinched the lead in this console generation in terms of console sales, but i guarentee you they dont come anywhere near the other 2 in terms of money made from their cuts from 1st and 3rd party game sales
    "Kidnap the presidents wife without a plan..."

  5. #5
    Mega Man (Level 19) The 1 2 P's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    Between both Microsoft and Sony, the term shipped and sold is common. Whether they say one or the other it means the same thing to them. Those units are out of their hands and they've made money off of them already from the stores that have purchased them.
    From most of the articles I read Sony is the one that usually list shipped items as opposed to whats been sold. I'm not sure why they won't list sold units like Microsoft and Nintendo do but thats just their MO.

    It's just funny that a 360 fanboy comes and makes a reference of shipped only towards Sony's console but doesn't mention a thing about Microsoft using the exact same statement. It's like everyone jumps in any thread regardless of what it is and attempts to turn it into a my favorite console is better than yours. Hypocrite statement because I do it against Nintendo(only sometimes,) but still.

    "According to this, Microsoft's report is only for consoles shipped, as in sold to retailers as opposed to sold to customers." Well damn. Looks like 1 2 P's favorite console with its launch being one year before the other two is about to become last place for this gen in a matter of months. I personally couldn't give a shit, but hey, may as well talk shit when he's acting all fanboy about it.
    Kupo are you really crying about someone being a fanboy when you are in fact one of the biggest fanboys on this site? If I ever start getting into random fights whenever someone says something I don't agree with about a certain company(like you do) and start saying nothing but negative things about every other rival company(again, like you do) then you can call me a fanboy. I mean, did you not actually "read" what I typed? It was relevant to your thread and not an attack on your beloved Sony. You must have also missed the part where I stated that neither company should look at this gen as a loss because of how many units each has sold. I swear Kupo, sometimes your fanboy paranoia gets the best of you.
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  6. #6
    Pac-Man (Level 10) RCM's Avatar
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    I don't think ps3 or 360 will reach wii's installed base, and that's ok. Both systems are successful and offer far more than wii. While I prefer 360 by far, I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up third overall in terms of worldwide installed base. M$ made strides in Asian territories this gen but 360 was never a serious player there. But they are strong in the markets that matter most right now: us and Europe. If M$ ever cracks the Asian code it could end up with the largest installed base. By the time that happens I wonder if many people will still care about console gaming.
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  7. #7
    Peach (Level 3) duffmanth's Avatar
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    Pretty good considering the PS3 was released a year after the 360. Sony probably could've been around a 100 million units shipped by now if they hadn't of launched the PS3 at $600. Hopefully they'll learn their lesson from the PS3 launch and launch the PS4 at a more competitive price?!

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