What game/s are you Playing? Daily check2013
I played ANGRY BIRDS 360
...............late 2012 into 2013...
What game/s are you Playing? Daily check2013
I played ANGRY BIRDS 360
...............late 2012 into 2013...
Last edited by Videogamerdaryll; 02-14-2013 at 12:08 PM.
Got the cables behind my tv sorted out and played PS2, the first game I played was Silent Hill 2, this tv were stuck wit his horrible though I cant adjust the brightness or dark on it. I played 3rd Strike, man it was washed out, weird settings on my tv again. Then I played SNK Arcade Classics, still washed out if its bright, really dark in dark places. Then I beat Guilty Gear X on beginner mode, NO SHAME AT ALL. :D
Gonna play other games now. The PS2 is my favorite console ever. :D
Super Paper Mario (Wii)
I watched youtube footage on this awhile back and decided it wasn't for me. Too much storyline for an action game. A friend wanted to play through it, however, so I told him, "Sure, we can take turns fast-forwarding dialogue." The game is actually pretty fun, so now I might have to pick it up. It's only $20, so why not?
I have been playing quite a bit. I just set up my new classic gaming area so I have been playing a lot of rock and roll racing and sega rally. Im thinking about playing something from the stack of PS1 JPRGs I just bought.
Castlevania Symphony of The Night Saturn version as Maria. I dont really like her attacks but I like she has a triple jump.
NiGHTS Into Dreams, really fun and cool looking. Makes me feel great. :)
Gonna play some Gate and Lords of Thunder soon.
Borderlands PC
Aidyn Chronicles, lol
Gets more interesting over time. I wouldn't want to play this without a guide at hand, because of the odd locations of a few necessary items and a few other quirks. I just spent a bunch of time looking around a city and I will have to revert to an earlier save in order to talk to some guy and see a bunch of content. Even the walkthrough was misleading on this point, apparently, because he seems to disappear not only if you leave the town but if you enter houses in the very first outside area of this town (Terminor).
Spent a fair amount of time laughing, in the early stages of the game, at the hero's inability to run to battles. Doing much better now. Leveling all melee damage stuff first: Don't think I need to level the Sword skill too high, although I'll test a bit to see if it increases damage - the skill description just mentions accuracy. Getting party members that can execute backstabs for extra damage is important.
I haven't really been playing anything old lately. Been buying old stuff, but have been on more of a new games kick. Been playing Mass Effect 1 on the Ps3, Limbo and Trials Evolution on the XBox 360 and Peggle on the ipad. That's about it.
I like play online games, such as Final Fantasy XIV, I know some famous game, such as Guild Wars 2, SWTOR, WoW, Diablo 3 ect.![]()
Xenoblade Chronicles. I've managed to rack up about 80 hours in the last 3 weeks and I still haven't finished it yet.
Final Fantasy VI(PS1), Goldeneye(N64), Kuri Kuri Mix(PS2)
Today I played Halo 4, Happy Wars, Moddern Warfare 3 and Gotham City Imposters. I guess I really felt like shooting people in the head.
Originally Posted by THE 1 2 P
Working my way through FFVI on the PS1, and I should also continue on Heart of Darkness.
On PS2 I'm playing Half-Life: Decay with a friend, and I also just started on the original Kingdom Hearts. ^^
Today I'm playing through a Falcom classic: Dragon Slayer: legend of heroes
and the Fire Emblem: Sacred Stones
I've been playing alot of Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012 as my new years resolution game. I also have been puttting a healthy amount of time into Happy Wars and Halo 4 to collect the few missing achievements I need.
Originally Posted by THE 1 2 P
Unfortunately, I haven't been playing much lately. Just been busy with other things. But I did try out a couple more games from Christmas - Vay and Wild Woody on Sega CD, and I also finally started Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams for PC. This is probably the only time you guys will see me talking about playing through a PC game (outside of very rarely playing something via emulation) since I'm not a PC gamer at all. For Giana Sisters, though, I'm willing to make an exception. Back when the Kickstarter was going, I probably wouldn't have bothered contributing had it already met its goal and had it been announced that it would eventually come to XBL and PSN. Of course, that announcement couldn't have come then, so I just went ahead and settled with the PC version since, as far as I knew then, that may have been the only release and the only way to get a physical copy. So far I've played through the first three stages, and it's pretty fun.
I'm up to stage 3-3 in Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams for PC, which is something like 15 stages into the game, with around 8 stages remaining, I believe (there are only three worlds). I've only perfected the first 3 or so stages, though, so I've still got plenty more to do in the levels I've cleared. I'm really enjoying the game so far. It's got very clever level designs, plenty of challenge, and well-hidden secrets and sections that are almost like puzzles. It feels very much like an ode to classic games and their fans. I'd highly recommend it to anybody on here who still loves 8-bit and 16-bit platformers like me. Forget stuff like New Super Mario Bros. with its sloppy controls and pandering difficulty, Giana Sisters is way more of an homage to the classic games we love, and unlike a lot of the modern Nintendo offerings, it doesn't feel derivative despite its inspirations. It still feels very fresh and creative. If I had to pick a single game that it reminds me of, I'd go with Donkey Kong Country 2. The tag-team switching back and forth between characters, the twirl like Dixie's spin, the charge like Diddy's cartwheel, the healthy challenge, the controls that strike a nice balance between tightness and fluidity, heck, even the music reminds me a tiny bit of DKC2 at times. But I also detect some Mario, Sonic, Castlevania, and, of course, classic Giana Sisters in here. And it plays quite nice with a SNES controller.![]()
Since I recently got a Sega Genesis I've been playing Castlevania Bloodlines and Streets Of Rage 1 2 and 3. Love them very very much! Also super into dragon's fury and revenge. Awesome stuff for sure!