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Thread: What Game/s are you Playing? Daily check :)2013 (GAMEPLAY)

  1. #261
    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    Back to playing WoW after a five month break. And picking away at the crapfest that is Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault.

  2. #262
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    Playing some old CRPGs on my Apple II for the first time in forever like Temple of Apshai and Telengard. Theyre so basic by todays standards but i still find them kinda fun.

    Im also playing on my TI-99 Moonsweeper and Protector II
    Last edited by Gandhara; 12-20-2013 at 02:04 AM.

  3. #263
    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    Torchlight 2 is a pretty amazing game I suggest everyone take some time to try it.

  4. #264
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    I got up to the final area in Aero the Acro-Bat on Super Nintendo a while ago, but I was getting pretty sick of the game so I had been avoiding playing it. But the last couple days I forced myself to play a little more and finally cleared that off my plate.

    In Breath of Fire on my Game Boy Advance SP, I recruited Bleu (she's a sassy one) and got Gobi's ability to turn into a big fish, so I finally have access to the western part of the world. One thing I really like about this game, even though it can be a little frustrating, is that it's actually tricky sometimes to figure out what to do next. Even in the SNES era, and much more so now, it's common for an RPG to hold your hand through the main adventure. Sure, side quests and the like may be well hidden, but making progress in the main story is a no-brainer. But in Breath of Fire, there have been multiple instances in which I didn't really know what to do and had to wander and rack my brain to think of past clues or things that seemed suspicious. I kind of like that even making progress in the main story can feel like a challenge and an accomplishment.

  5. #265
    Pretzel (Level 4) T2KFreeker's Avatar
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    Was playing Immercenary for the 3DO. Very underrated FPS style action adventure game. Way ahead of it's time and very fun. If you have a 3DO and haven't checked it out, you need to.

  6. #266
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    Aussie2B, seeing your posts reminds me of my shame for never completing Final Fantasy V ...

    Anyway, I've been playing Pokemon X. So far I've only got one gym badge.

  7. #267
    RACES MINI MOTORCYCLES Videogamerdaryll's Avatar
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  8. #268
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    I'm up to Mogu's dream in Breath of Fire on my Game Boy Advance SP. This dungeon with the hidden switches that turn the walls invisible is really annoying.

    For Super Nintendo, I decided that the next game I'll play through is Jurassic Park. I have a long history with this game. It's the second SNES game I ever had and, in turn, the second game that I personally owned (and the first that was ever bought for me, seeing as I got my first game, Super Mario All-Stars, for free from a promotion Nintendo was doing). The problem, though, was that at that point in time I was completely clueless about the video game scene and had no idea what games were available. But I knew I wanted a new SNES game, and, I believe for Christmas of '93, if I'm not mistaken, my mom bought me Jurassic Park at random, purely on the basis that I liked the movie (what kid didn't back then). So this was a perfect recipe for licensed game disaster, but it's actually not a half bad game. Good luck telling that to my preteen self, though. It's totally unlike anything I had ever played up to that point (I'm sure I had never played a FPS before), and I couldn't seem to make any sense of it. I'd just aimlessly wander, blow through some lives, and quit when I grew tired of it. It didn't help that there are no passwords or save system, and the game would scare the bejesus out of me. So I ultimately barely touched it, which has always been a source of guilt for me, thinking about how my mom surely dropped 60-70 bucks on it only for me to hate it and avoid playing it. And even though I never, EVER sold any of my games, I once considered doing so with Jurassic Park and called up a shop to see what I'd get for it. When I was offered 6 bucks, I didn't bother. Not only was the amount too piddly, but again came the guilt thinking about how much my mom paid. So now, 20 years since getting the game, I feel it's time to finally tackle this beast. I'm not saying it's an exceptionally difficult game, in fact it seems easy enough if you know what you're doing, but my history with it has built it up to more than it is. I've cleared the first few objectives so far, and already I feel immensely accomplished, getting so much farther than I ever did as a kid and seeing stuff I never got to in all these years. It's still a bit out of my gaming comfort zone, as I still pretty much never play first-person shooters, rarely first-person anything, as first-person games often make me feel sick. But I'm using maps and coverage from Nintendo Power as well as some stuff online to help me out, to minimize the amount of time I spend in the buildings. And I gotta admit, it's been pretty fun. It feels great to both make progress in this game and get some enjoyment out of it. And I really love the music as well.

  9. #269
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    Once I was able to get through about half of Jurassic Park on Super Nintendo with relative ease, I decided to just power through and finish it off since I didn't want to keep repeating the early objectives over and over. While I did use outside assistance, I still feel very accomplished to beat this game that's been hanging over my head for two decades. Too bad the ending is so crummy, though, and I really do wish this game had passwords or saves. I probably would've been more inclined to figure things out on my own if I could start and stop at my leisure and didn't have to repeat stuff I've already done.

    I'm still chugging along in Breath of Fire on my Game Boy Advance SP. It's too bad that there's no in-game clock. I feel like I've sunk a lot of hours into this game, and I'm curious how much it would add up to. I just got Mogu, so I finally have a full party of 8. Still in that annoying dungeon with the disappearing walls, though. I can't wait to clear this part.

  10. #270
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    I got Project X Zone for Christmas. It's friggin awesome, a fan-service dream. The soundtrack in non-stop amazing. I have no idea how to do anything strategically, nor has the game actually required it of me as of yet, but I love button mashing and just watching stuff happen on screen.

    I mean, get this early scenario: Chun Li and Hsien-ko show up to investigate a mysterious Luxury liner, only to meet Dynamite Cop Bruno. Morrigan shows up to 'watch the fun' as Lord Raptor summons Ghosts n Goblins zombies and takes over the ship (from the terrorists, who had already taken over the ship??). Heihachi Mishima shows up for NO DAMN REASON, then Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield fall through a portal from their own luxury liner along with some of the Silent Hill-esque zombies (from RE: Revelations).

    So now you take control of Jill/Chris and Chun Li/Hsien-ko with the ability to call in Heihachi, Dynamite Cop, or Morrigan to battle a horde of different zombies and Lord Raptor from Darkstalkers.

    Holy shit.

  11. #271
    RACES MINI MOTORCYCLES Videogamerdaryll's Avatar
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    Default On jan 1 please close thread for the start of :

    What Game/s are you Playing? Daily check 2014 (GAMEPLAY)

    Not sure what game I'm ending the year with.

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