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Thread: What Game/s are you Playing? Daily check :)2013 (GAMEPLAY)

  1. #141
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    I recently acquired several imports, so I started on trying those out. On my PC Engine Duo-RX, I played some Dungeon Explorer and Monster Maker, and on my NES via a converter, I played Super Xevious. I sure wish these early Xevious games had better music because that annoying, repetitive crap really turns me off to playing. On paper, they seem like games I'd really like since my favorite shmups, like the TwinBee series and Dragon Spirit, also have the whole dual planes of combat concept (shooting things in the sky and bombing things on the ground).

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    I've been playing Halo 3: ODST lately with some friends to finish off our achievement list. I also started playing the Japanese import version of Alan Wake. Unfortunately theres nothing Japanese about it except for the language the manual is written in. All the menus and voice acting is in English. Theres not even an option to play or read anything in Japanese. I've gotten so used to playing Japanese imports on the PS1 that I miss actually having to work my way thru a mostly Japanese menu or dialogue screen. Oh well, it's still an awesome game.
    ALL HAIL THE 1 2 P
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    Why? Once you've seen one partially-exposed butthole you've seen them all.

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    Dungeons and Dragons Chronicles of Mystara

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    Been playing Last of Us on PS3 and DK Country Returns on the 3DS. What a great game Last of Us. My opinion anyway.

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    Mario Kart Wii - Rainbow Road can go to hell.

    Sonic 4 Episode II (Steam)- I like this a lot, great music and graphics, but two-player got kind of annoying since Tails can't even begin to keep up (I was playing Tails). Eventually I just gave up controlling him, except during the parts where flight is needed.

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    Still finishing off Halo 3:ODST achievements. Todays vid master one took around two hours. Two more and I'm finished that game. I've also played Sparticus, the new free to play 360 DLC game. It's a one-on-one fighting game with weapons and it's ok for a free game. But I haven't went back to it since my first time playing.
    ALL HAIL THE 1 2 P
    Quote Originally Posted by THE 1 2 P
    Why? Once you've seen one partially-exposed butthole you've seen them all.

  7. #147
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    I've been getting a lot of problems with various things in my main entertainment center lately, so I decided it was as good a time as any to tear everything apart, dust everything really thoroughly, and rewire everything, while trying to figure out and solve the issues in the process. We've been having the video go out on the TV periodically until we fiddle with the cables, the sound from our speakers sometimes goes weird, the power strips are kind of in a questionable state, the PlayStation has been struggling to read some discs, the SNES power supply is crapping out, the N64 sometimes stays on even after flipping the switch, and no sound was coming from the white plug of my PC Engine Duo-RX A/V cable. I'm not saying all, or even any, of these problems are related, but it sure is strange to be facing so many issues at once when I'm used to all of my stuff working perfectly. But all this stuff has been hooked up for years, with many systems rarely getting touched, so I suppose I can understand issues creeping up after all this time, with some possibly not getting noticed for a long time.

    So far we've determined that the speakers are functioning just fine and the problem was either from them being poorly hooked up, which they were, and/or the cheap speaker wire possibly giving out. My fiance fixed the Duo-RX's cable, although he wants to redo the job to make it a slight bit nicer looking. And we decided to just trash the old power strips and get a nice new one. We still haven't figured out what's going on with the video to the TV. Hopefully it's a problem with the cable or switcher or something and not the s-video jack on the TV itself getting loose. My fiance is going to try to fix the SNES plug, which I'm pretty confident will go well, and I'm guessing the N64 issue is just a matter of dust or something jamming up the power switch. With the PlayStation, I think it's unfortunately just a matter of age and use taking its toll. Maybe someday I'll buy a replacement laser unit, but until then I have other means to play PlayStation games anyway.

    So yeah, my game playing is mostly on hold while we do all this, but I'm sure it'll feel good to have everything freshly wired, sparkling clean, and working well when it's all done. In the meantime, I did get a lot of good PC Engine gaming in while having the system going to test the speakers and its own cable. I did some multiplayer Detana! TwinBee, Dungeon Explorer, and Monster Lair, and I played Final Match Tennis, Hatris, Fire Pro Wrestling 3, Burai, and Ai Cho Aniki on my own, the latter two being new acquisitions. I also tried out another recent buy, Fire Emblem: Seisen no Keifu for Super Famicom. Even with my SNES plug being screwed, if I get the cable in a working spot and keep everything perfectly still while playing, I can keep it going for a while, but that's obviously no way to seriously play anything. I was good enough to try out the first battle in Fire Emblem, though.

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    I'm still finishing off COD: Black Ops II's campaign missions. I also need one more achievement in Halo 3: ODST but need a few extra people for it. I also just downloaded Assassin's Creed II for free on XBL although I have no idea when I'll get around to playing it. But free is always nice.
    ALL HAIL THE 1 2 P
    Quote Originally Posted by THE 1 2 P
    Why? Once you've seen one partially-exposed butthole you've seen them all.

  9. #149
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    I'm playing Dragon Warrior IV at the moment. I think I'm two-thirds to three-fourths of the way done, not really sure.

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    Finally got the last achievement I needed for Halo 3: ODST last night. Now I'm still playing COD: Black Ops II and tomorrow morning(because you can only play during set times) I will be trying out the World of Tanks beta on 360.
    ALL HAIL THE 1 2 P
    Quote Originally Posted by THE 1 2 P
    Why? Once you've seen one partially-exposed butthole you've seen them all.

  11. #151
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    Default N64 import games

  12. #152
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    I finally have my entertainment center put back together, although I need to buy some stuff before we can finish with the PC Engine A/V cable, SNES plug, and N64 power switch issue. No big deal there, as those bits and pieces can easily be incorporated in later on.

    With that cleaned up, I decided to pull my PC-FX out again. I've bought a few new games for the system, and so far three have showed up. I tried out Boundary Gate, First Kiss Story, and Tengai Makyou. But the real reason I wanted to have the PC-FX out again is to finally play through Chip-chan Kick. I've been looking forward to playing this one for a while. I love me a good Bubble Bobble-style game. I'm playing with all the default difficulty settings, and I've made it up to Stage 5. Each "stage" actually consists of 10 levels, though, and the tenth of each has a pretty tough boss. Took a lot of practice to clear the bosses of stages 2 and 4, although 1 and 3 weren't too bad. Seems like the boss of stage 5 is a real doozy too, and the normal levels are picking up in difficulty as well. I believe there are only six stages, though, so I don't think I'm all that far from the end.

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    Just finished Dragon Warrior IV. Now I'm splitting time between Terraria and BioShock.

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    Dissidia 012 Duodecim Final Fantasy

    I didn't know this game contained the entire original Dissidia storyline. Also, load times were driving me nuts. After installing the original Dissidia back in its day, and Gran Turismo (which also features horribly long loads) my default 2GB memory stick couldn't handle even the smallest install for Duodecim. Since it includes all the content from the first game, I just went ahead and deleted that install and waited the 1.5 hours it took to do the maximum install for Duodecim. Now, thankfully, the load times are bearable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Videogamerdaryll View Post
    How did you like Virtual Prowrestling 2? I have the first one but haven't gotten around to play it yet. But because it's by the same company it probably plays like the WCW/WWF/WWE games by Yukes and THQ.

    I played alittle bit of Mario Pinball Land on GBA to test out a recent find. It was actually pretty fun. Also been playing Pac-Man Championship edition and COD: Black Ops 2 on 360.
    ALL HAIL THE 1 2 P
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  16. #156
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    I cleared the stage 5 boss in Chip-chan Kick! on PC-FX faster than I expected, and the final boss wasn't too bad either. After beating the game, I replayed on Easy, although I set it so each continue only had 1 life, so one hit and I had to restart a stage/boss, short of earning extra lives myself. It was a pretty interesting way to play the game, both easy and challenging in ways. Then I started up a game on Hard, and did the opposite by maxing out the number of lives per continue (five). I never got past the first boss. It's an easy boss on both Easy and Normal, but, man, it's ridiculous on Hard. I blew through all of my continues, and then I decided that I had my fill of Chip-chan Kick! for now. I wasn't in the mood to start up another PC-FX game immediately so I packed the system away, but it'll come out again soon enough when some more recent purchases arrive. Maybe then I'll pick something else to play on PC-FX.

    I figured I'd finally start up Final Fantasy V via Final Fantasy Anthology on my PlayStation 2. I normally would play it on my original PlayStation, but for some reason, my system just hates Final Fantasy Anthology. The opening FMV stutters like crazy, and it crashes mid-game. On my PS2, though, it runs perfectly. I'm actually surprised at how well it's running, considering I heard that the game has issues with the PS2, scrambling the graphics on the save screen. From what I've read, it seems like Squaresoft did a really crappy job with this compilation. Not even getting into the longer load times, it seems like whether you're using a PlayStation, PS2, or PS3, problems with how the game runs are extremely common. Supposedly the Greatest Hits version fares better, but I wanted the music CD so I got the original.

    Anyway, I've been meaning to play Final Fantasy V for a long time, although I can't exactly say I've been looking forward to doing so. Maybe it's the definition of insanity (doing the same thing over and over and expecting things to change), but I've been going through the series one by one, hoping to someday find one that will make me understand why the series is so loved. I do very much enjoy some of the spin-offs, like Tactics and Mystic Quest, but of the mainline, numbered Final Fantasy games I've beaten (1-4 and 7), at best, I can say some were so-so, others worse yet. So I go into Final Fantasy V with the knowledge that I very well may be underwhelmed, but at least the momentum is in my favor (7 was my least favorite of the ones I've beaten, but of 1-4, I've liked each game slightly better than the one before it). And I love Chrono Trigger, which was made by Final Fantasy staff and has a fair number of similarities (the ATB system, for one), so you'd think there's potential for me to like mainline Final Fantasy. From what I've seen of FFVI, that one seems pretty appealing, so I have high hopes for it. But I don't want to skip ahead, so first I'll tackle FFV. I have a couple hours on the clock so far, and I'm in the ship graveyard. I like the brisk pace so far, and I'm glad I have access to jobs now because it was getting a little dull with no options but "Fight" before. So far, I've made Bartz a Knight, Reina a White/Black/Blue Mage, Galuf a Monk (and he DESTROYS everything, holy cow), and Faris a Thief. Having a Thief is probably most important to me because I like how I can see secret passageways and zip around the screen lightning fast.

  17. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    I figured I'd finally start up Final Fantasy V via Final Fantasy Anthology on my PlayStation 2.

    Anyway, I've been meaning to play Final Fantasy V for a long time, although I can't exactly say I've been looking forward to doing so.
    Wow, same here. Just started last night! I love love love Exdeath so much in Dissidia/Duodecim that I had to play this game, though I bought the compilation only for FFVI ten years ago.

  18. #158
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    Nice. Seems like a lot of people are playing Final Fantasy V lately, what with that Four Job Fiesta thing going on too.

    I've clocked in about 7 hours now myself, and I just got my third set of jobs. Still sticking with my Knight, Monk, and Thief, probably until I max those jobs out, but I've been cycling through even more mage-type jobs with Reina. The whole escape sequence I just did was pretty nuts. I remember the one in Final Fantasy VII, which I believe was also for 10 minutes, yet despite the story and music trying to give the part urgency, it fell flat because you could easily clear the area before using up even half of the time. In Final Fantasy V, I literally had 5 SECONDS left. The boss battle that appeared at the end out of nowhere was intense. Not because it was hard, but because I was trying to race through it as the last seconds ticked away.

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    I played some Tengen Ms.Pacman on the nes with a friend the other day.

    crazy mode, strange maps, co-op.....only made it to level 20......

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