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About time. Although I hear the "solution" to the whole licensing rights issue was to remove the intro entirely, which is pretty lame. Why couldn't they just remove the song and replace it with some in-game track? Doesn't make any sense to throw away the animation too for no reason.
I don't know if you made a typo, but the price is showing up as $36.99 for me. Kinda scuzzy of them to tack on a couple extra dollars from what they were originally saying the price would be with no explanation.
And it looks like they're doing the covers completely backwards assed. Why are the Kickstarter backers getting the cover that came in second place? Shouldn't their reward be the most popular cover? I actually prefer the second place cover, which is based on the Japanese cover rather than being a messy copy and paste of game assets like the other cover, and as someone who didn't back the Kickstarter, I was hoping I'd get that one.