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Thread: So, I just found a Wii in the garbage.

  1. #41
    Strawberry (Level 2) AdamAnt316's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    Laziness. Never underestimate how lazy people can be, assuming they're well enough off to not be desperate for as much cash as they can get. It's really the same reason why people donate good things to thrift stores or price stuff cheap at yard sales, it's just to quickly get rid of stuff they don't want. If that doesn't work they'll just throw it out. With yard sales you don't have to leave your property, it's easier than having to dump it somewhere else. With thrift stores you don't have to be outside watching your stuff for several hours. Either way it's mostly laziness.
    Very true, and sad. If I can't use something, I at least try and find someone who can. Earlier this month, I managed to find someone willing to save a beautiful Zenith "Space Command" 25" console TV which would've ended up in a dumpster otherwise. Posted a thread on a forum, a guy from New Jersey drove up to the Boston area to pick it up, and it now has a new lease on life.

    Quote Originally Posted by Haoie View Post
    I couldn't fathoming throwing away electronics.

    Although it really has to be done doesn't it? Like, old CRT TVs and other outdated junk.

    Hell, some people don't even throw out dead batteries! Too far am I right?
    I hang onto stuff if I think there's any chance of me needing it in the future. I'll readily admit that this sort of mentality can descend into hoarding, but I've had it pay off before. CRT TVs are kinda an iffy thing; nice to have if working, but take up a lot of space, can be difficult to fix if something goes badly wrong, and are classified as hazardous waste. As mentioned above, I try to save them if possible, but it's not always feasible.

    As far as batteries go, It depends. The individual cells, as mentioned above, can start leaking nasty things, and should be disposed of. However, if the batteries in question are contained within some sort of pack, it might be a good idea to keep the outer casing, removing the internal cells, noting their original position, and then discarding them. But I digress...
    Last edited by AdamAnt316; 04-24-2013 at 11:32 AM.

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