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Thread: No Nintendo E3 Press Conferrence :(

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    SOL BADGUY's Avatar
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    Default No Nintendo E3 Press Conferrence :(

    This makes no sense to me. I dont see why they shouldnt do a press conference, theyre still in the console market, and their opponents having new consoles coming out shouldnt change anything, they should be announcing aa 3D Mario game and other stuff.
    Last edited by SOL BADGUY; 04-25-2013 at 12:15 AM.

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    Great Puma (Level 12)
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    Quote Originally Posted by SOL BADGUY View Post
    This makes no sense to me. I dont see why they shouldnt go, theyre still in the console market, and their opponents having new consoles coming out shouldnt change anything, they should be announcing aa 3D Mario game and other stuff.
    Your post title is not correct. Nintendo will be at E3. They will have a booth like always and private presentations for media and buyers. They will simply not be doing the 1-2 hour long press conference they have done for the last however many years. Frankly, it's not necessary given that they have been doing regular streaming presentations at a fraction of the cost and still getting plenty of media coverage.

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    Ok I changed it. Still, people are going to read this a certain way, and itll make reading stuff online more annoying. The press events people watch is how people think the companies are talking to them, and this is weird. People are gonan say the Wii U is last gen more, Nintendo doesnt care about real gamers and the usual even more now.
    Last edited by SOL BADGUY; 04-25-2013 at 12:17 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SOL BADGUY View Post
    Ok I changed it. Still, people are going to read this a certain way, and itll make reading stuff online more annoying. The press events people watch is how people think the companies are talking to them, and this is weird. People are gonan say the Wii U is last gen more, Nintendo doesnt care about real gamers and the usual even more now.

    Anyway, I wonder if this is a sign Nintendo has lost a bit of confidence in the strength of their lineup in the wake of PS4 and the next Xbox. Their calendar year 2013 Wii U sales are atrocious and 3DS isn't lighting the world on fire either. Nintendo is in a jam right now, but it's not time to go multi-platform yet.
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    I think their Nintendo Direct announcements have been working well. They've been announcing titles that are coming out or are being developed, and then they reiterate games they've mentioned on previous Nintendo Directs that are still in development. It's continuously letting people know that these titles exist and once they do come out, when they've heard the games from repeated Nintendo Directs, I'm sure they're more likely to buy them.
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    This is bad news, they are basically giving sony and microsoft the entire spotlight for the next gen console without a fight. Looks like they dont have enough new material for a 2 hour presentation... I really dont like it.

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    They're probably just not interesting in wasting their time, as they will be overshadowed by Sony and Microsoft's console details regardless of what they do. This isn't a sign of weakness, its a sign of pragmatism. Nintendo already dropped their game announcement bombshells, they would only be repeating themselves at a E3 Press Conference, which won't make a dent in Sony/MS's media blitz.
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    Peach (Level 3) VG_Maniac's Avatar
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    The Wii U has been such a disappointment to me so far, but I was optimistic that Nintendo had a huge show planned for E3 this year, where they would reveal a ton of new games. However, with this makes it seem like Nintendo just doesn't really have anything new to announce. Things are not looking good at all right now for the Wii U. While I doubt it will be the next Virtual Boy, it very well may end up like the Sega Saturn.

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    Peach (Level 3) BricatSegaFan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VG_Maniac View Post
    The Wii U has been such a disappointment to me so far. While I doubt it will be the next Virtual Boy, it very well may end up like the Sega Saturn.
    You mean they will completely botch the American market and be successful in Japan only?

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    Peach (Level 3) VG_Maniac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BricatSegaFan View Post
    You mean they will completely botch the American market and be successful in Japan only?
    I was only thinking about the U.S Saturn when I said that. I think the Wii U will be like how the Saturn was here.

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    I hate the comparisons to the Saturn a lot, because people are really being too alarmist with that comparison. The Saturn was botched because Sega were idiots and did something really crazy that makes no sense at all.

    Wii U is suffering like the N64 and Gamecube did, its that simple. Nintendo lost strong third party support, and they havent been able to get it back even nowadays. I dont know why, but somehow theyre not able to plead with Square and Konami or Capcom to convince them theyve changed since the totalitarian days of the NES.

    I dont think Nintendo is pulling out of the hardware business, but I said what I said earlier because trolls and Wii bashers are going to use this as ammo in their internet crusade to make Nintendo lovers feel bad. Internet video gaming culture is too quick to judge/attack this thing because it doesnt have the third party support like the N64 didnt have, and if we were all on the internet back then the N64 would have been getting similar or even worse treatment.

    The people on the internet of course arent kids, Nintendo is still going for the kids market, which is meh or ok I guess. WWE also does this, and adult wrestling fans go after PG and things like Xbox and PS3 owners go after the Wiimotes and Wii Sports stuff. I dont know what kids are liek now, but at least the 13 year olds playing COD arent Nintendos audience. Itll be interesting when kids who loved the Wii grow up and read how all these older people hated them and the Wii.
    Last edited by SOL BADGUY; 04-25-2013 at 02:56 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SOL BADGUY View Post
    The Saturn was botched because Sega were idiots and did something really crazy that makes no sense at all.
    I feel the exact same way about Nintendo and the Wii U.

    Wii U is suffering like the N64 and Gamecube did, its that simple. Nintendo lost strong third party support, and they havent been able to get it back even nowadays. I dont know why, but somehow theyre not able to plead with Square and Konami or Capcom to convince them theyve changed since the totalitarian days of the NES.
    The Wii U is not suffering from lack of third party games, it's suffering because of lack of BOTH first party and third party games (and the fact that it's so similar to the original Wii, that it appears like nothing more than an upgrade to a lot of people, rather than an all new system).
    Last edited by VG_Maniac; 04-25-2013 at 03:12 AM.

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    SOL BADGUY's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VG_Maniac View Post
    I feel the exact same way about Nintendo and the Wii U.

    The Wii U is not suffering from lack of third party games, it's suffering because of lack of BOTH first party and third party games.
    Nintendos biggest mistake is calling it Wii U if it was " Nintendo Something" then the media wouldnt be so confused. Honestly though, the media is just being lazy, they dont like video games and they dont want to have to invest energy into telling people the difference between this new $300 machine compared to the one people bought 6 years ago. Saturn Day was a far bigger fuck up that Sega America only has itself to blame for.
    Even when the Saturn was being developed they freaked out because of what the PS1 had in it, so they rushed the 3D plan for it. So SEGA was too quick to pull its triggers, Nintendo with the Wii U to me is being too slow paced for peoples attention spans. Do you know what Saturn Day was?

    Its only been out for 6 months......youd hate the PS1 too in this logic. Theres still time! If Reggie goes into work next year and says to Iwata on a satellite feed, "Hey boss, lets try to over come this big mess, by just burying it, and make the Dreamcast." Then you can compare it to the Saturn. Really only The Dreamcast had an amazing launch lineup of any system in history, so the "no games" thing to me is null. Saying its "too much like the Wii", well all that PS4 is really doing it having Move built into it and have a social media share button on the controller. You cant even play all the new PS3 games on the PS4 when you go to buy it this fall, or any PS3 to PS1 games when you buy it. At least the Wii U is backwards compatible.

    This video tells you pretty well what happened with saturn day,

    PS Sorry Bri.
    Last edited by SOL BADGUY; 04-25-2013 at 04:50 AM.

  14. #14
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Nintendo's biggest problem isn't calling it the Wii U, their biggest problem is not making it an actual next gen console. If the name Wii U didn't address the fact that it's a new console, the fact that the Nintendo box art for the console and games making it look completely different will. That and the signs plastered everywhere when you go into stores. Sure, if people completely ignore the advertising and don't use common sense, of course they'll think it's nothing new.

    Why does the 3DS sell so well despite looking exactly like the DS? Nintendo fans used the exact same excuse that the 3DS wasn't selling well because people didn't know it was different, and we all know how much bs that was because as soon as the price drop hit, the system has been the top seller every single month by a large margin.

    Yes there are "some" stupid people who will probably ask if a 3DS game will play in a DS and will the Wii U games play in a Wii, but not everyone is like that. There's always those types of people. It's even happened with the PS3 and 360 where people asked if the PS3 or 360 games played in the prior console.

    So be realistic with why the Wii U isn't selling. The lack of "new" third party and first party games, the price in comparison to consoles that are almost equal in power, Wii owners who were never into video games but bought the Wii because the motion sensing and Nintendo also advertising the Wii as an entertainment device that will help you get exercise while you play, and finally, the Wii U gamepad is just a consolized version of what the second screen is on the DS, and anyone who has played a DS or 3DS knows, you might be able to get a unique game here and there on the DS, but 99% of the games the second screen, or Wii U gamepad, is going to be nothing more than a map/status screen.

    The Wii U will eventually get exclusives and it'll eventually start selling, but right now no one who isn't a die hard Nintendo fanboy wants it. Then that same die hard Nintendo fanboy complains that Nintendo is being screwed over and getting no support. Welcome to the world of Playstation Vita fanboys, except our complaints of sales is because Sony won't lower the damn price, which keeps lower sales, which in turn keeps most developers from announcing new games.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 04-25-2013 at 01:09 PM.
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    Honesty could not care less if any press conferences were held.
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    Quote Originally Posted by VG_Maniac View Post
    The Wii U has been such a disappointment to me so far, but I was optimistic that Nintendo had a huge show planned for E3 this year, where they would reveal a ton of new games. However, with this makes it seem like Nintendo just doesn't really have anything new to announce. Things are not looking good at all right now for the Wii U. While I doubt it will be the next Virtual Boy, it very well may end up like the Sega Saturn.
    A couple months is a little early to judge a consoles lifespan and end success imo...

    Also, there are confirmed reports that a 3D mario as well as Mario Kart will be playable, as well as screenshots from smash, and the big Wind Waker HD showcase.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Greg2600 View Post
    Honesty could not care less if any press conferences were held.
    Me either, especially considering how their last several E3 shows have literally put me to sleep. Unless they had some pretty big announcements to make they would just be wasting gamers time. And like others have said, Nintendo Direct is doing well and Nintendo would absolutely be overshadowed by both Microsoft and Sony because of their upcoming next gen systems. So in the grand scheme of things this move makes alot of sense.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    Nintendo's biggest problem isn't calling it the Wii U, their biggest problem is not making it an actual next gen console. If the name Wii U didn't address the fact that it's a new console, the fact that the Nintendo box art for the console and games making it look completely different will. That and the signs plastered everywhere when you go into stores. Sure, if people completely ignore the advertising and don't use common sense, of course they'll think it's nothing new.
    All that matter for a console to be apart of a generation is when its released, just like with people being born. And honestly the "people" youre talking about not buying it because its not "next gen" are just gonna buy an Xbox anyway.
    Last edited by SOL BADGUY; 04-26-2013 at 03:04 AM.

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    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    The Wii U not being next gen isn't the only thing I've made mention of in the post. There are multiple reasons why it's not selling, the least of which is "people don't realize it's a new console."
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    Can you guys tell me what qualifies as next gen?

    To me at least, the only people who are complaining about the specs of the machine are people who are gonna just bu yan Xbox, theyre just using it being weak as a way to put it down. Average people on the street dont care about that stuff, and those people dont know what the Wii U because Nintendo dropped the ball on their branding.
    Last edited by SOL BADGUY; 04-26-2013 at 11:57 AM.

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