Sigh. I've come to the long, dreaded decision that I have to do something about my credit debt. I'm a student working a part-time job, and also enjoy going out with my girlfriend and friends. I just don't have the means to make any sizable dent on my debt right now, and that's considering that it wouldn't even be considered that large of an amount to some people. Despite all that, I have to be responsible and think about my future and the loans I'll probably to endure through grad school.
I don't ever plan to stop collecting, I love it too damn much, but I just don't have a lot of assets besides my collection at this point of my life. I'll save you guys from any more needless rambling by cutting to the chase, which is that I'm selling my collection besides a small of amount of exceptions. My collection is pretty much up to date, so take a look and we'll discuss from there!