I have been playing this fun PlayStation game lately, but there is something not explained in the manual, and I wonder if anyone has any ideas.

I have been using my memory card to save the game, and I reached level 5 with no remaining lives. As soon as I die, it's game over and I have to reload. I thought the game save would allow me to restart on the same level, but no. Apparently, saving in this game is treated as though you are just pausing the game at the end of the level. You are essentially playing through the game in one sitting.

I thought the game save would at least track if you have found 100% of the treasures, but this does not seem to be the case. The passwords are another option, but they don't save anything other than the level, essentially being cheat codes to skip levels.

So, what is the point of gathering the treasures? Does anyone know if there is any in-game reward for finding all the treasures?