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Thread: Sega Saturn, won't play disc

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    Default Sega Saturn, won't play disc

    I recently bought a replacement laser for my Saturn and now it will at least read the disc somewhat. I am still having a problem, with my Saturn however. I still can't get it to play a disc. When I power it on, it goes directly to a a menu screen with menu buttons to choose from. Then it says "checking disc format." Then it stops spinning the disc and says, " Tracks 1 Time 999:59 (Blinking 999:59) and can't get disc to play. Could you please help me or at least send me in the right direction as how to fix this? I have no clue as to what to do. Any help is greatly appreciated.

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    Assuming that you removed the ant-static solder blob, you probably need to make some adjustments to the servo. This should give you a basic idea of how to do the procure, but someone else could probably give you the specific procedure for the Saturn.

    Also, excessively large font is excessive.
    Mario says "... if you do drugs, you go to hell before you die."

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