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Thread: NEC PC Engine Turbo Duo RX controller port issue

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    Default NEC PC Engine Turbo Duo RX controller port issue

    I have a duo rx where the controller port is finicky (ie: I need to put a small amount of downward pressure on it for it to work). Does anyone have any experience with this issue and a possible fix? I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, but it might be re-soldering the controller port inside? I've also recently purchased a new controller to rule out the actual controller that came with it. Still waiting on this new controller. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
    Last edited by Gunnder; 11-01-2013 at 07:32 AM.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gunnder View Post
    I have a duo rx where the controller port is finicky (ie: I need to put a small amount of downward pressure on it for it to work). Does anyone have any experience with this issue and a possible fix? I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, but it might be re-soldering the controller port inside? I've also recently purchased a new controller to rule out the actual controller that came with it. Still waiting on this new controller. Any advice would be appreciated! Thanks!
    Sounds like a bad solder joint. I've never had it with a controller port, nor do I have a duo RX, but it sounds like what I've had happen on plenty of electronics' power or headphone jacks. That you have to put pressure to get it to work is the biggest clue, that keeps the break in the solder together, making it work.

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