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Thread: Seventh Generation Consoles Price Drop Predicitions

  1. #1
    Pac-Man (Level 10) treismac's Avatar
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    Default Seventh Generation Consoles Price Drop Predicitions

    So, six months to a year from now, what do you think the Wii, Xbox 360, and PS3 will be selling for new or used? I'm wondering if there will be a glut of $30 used Wiis on the market and if a new PS3 Super Slim 250gb will ever drop to the $100 price mark in the post-PS4 market. Surely someone out there has figured out some kind of algorithm for this, right?
    Last edited by treismac; 11-09-2013 at 02:02 AM.

  2. #2
    "Ai Oboete Imasu Ka?" Flashback2012's Avatar
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    If I had to guess, I'd say a year from now the premium versions of the PS3 and XB360 systems will be $199 with the entry level models clocking in at $129 or $149. It's going to take the XBone and PS4 the better part of a year and a half before the masses start to latch onto them so both MS and Sony will need to discount the current gen and downscale production of titles in favor of their new machines. Usually it's at the 1 year in point where the killer apps really start to pop up so that will help the sheep to transition. Then again, the suits at both companies may hold out for one more year at the current prices before dropping them in 2015 (and probably at the near end of that calendar year ).

    As for WiiU and Wii, well...I expect the prices to be all over the place for Wii but asking $50 for a bare bones system might be the roof. I'm sure at some point GS is going to have a MASSIVE fire sale to liquidate their excessive inventory of Wii games which will make the BC systems raise in value some in the years to come. It's not unusual to think that the WiiU will dip to $249 but I can see it maintaining it's current $299 price. I think Nintendo has been backed into a proverbial corner and packing in something like Nintendoland will just not cut it anymore, in order to move units they're going to have to pack in more top shelf titles to move systems like the Zelda and SMB bundles they have out now.
    "Ai Oboete Imasu Ka?"

  3. #3
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Bazoo's Avatar
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    IMO what we'll see:

    1. Some really ridiculous holiday bundles, PS3+Four games for $200 or something. I don't believe Nintendo will do the same with Wii, besides maybe its $99 wii mini release. They will probably try to press Wii U.

    2. A few months into the new year, basic PS3 systems will drop to $150 and stripped down Xbox 360 (4 GB?) will drop to $99.

  4. #4
    Peach (Level 3)
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    Local pawn shops sells used wii consoles with hookups and controllers for between 30-40 dollars depending on what color they are and if it's 1st or 3rd party controllers. I was tempted to buy the blue one they had as it's the only color I don't own lol. But yeah bargains on used wii's will abound with a production run in the idiotic range and the hype gone. Plus they're long lived systems so it's fairly safe to buy a used one.

  5. #5
    Banana (Level 7) Atarileaf's Avatar
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    Hoping for a nice PS3 price drop myself. Some good racing games I'd like get for that system.

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    Looking at the original Xbox prices I see the same basic thing to happen with the current generation. Once the Wii, 360, and PS3 games really start to drop is when I'll go crazy and start picking up all the games.

  7. #7
    Kirby (Level 13) Leo_A's Avatar
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    I don't think the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 will ever go below $200 for their MSRP except perhaps for models without a hard drive. Those might get to $150.

    If the PS2 didn't make it to $99 (Wasn't $129.99 the lowest it went after a long time spent at $150?), I don't expect the PS3 ever to.

    Edit: Checked my receipt from last year when I bought a new slim and it was $99.99. Apparently Sony dropped it there back in 2009.
    Last edited by Leo_A; 11-09-2013 at 08:38 PM.

  8. #8
    16-bits, yo Custom rank graphic
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    Quote Originally Posted by Leo_A View Post
    If the PS2 didn't make it to $99 (Wasn't $129.99 the lowest it went after a long time spent at $150?), I don't expect the PS3 ever to.

    Edit: Checked my receipt from last year when I bought a new slim and it was $99.99. Apparently Sony dropped it there back in 2009.
    That's when they were clearancing them out that they finally dropped that low. They were at $130 for a long time, well longer than it took PSone to hit $100.

    I don't see PS3 hitting $100, well probably ever, but if it did, probably got at least 3-4 years when they're finally shutting down and the only games released are a few of the annual sports stuff.

  9. #9
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    What happens to the ps3 will depend on the customfirmware and hacks in the future. If they manage to release a dumbass proof customfirmware like the LME6.60 for the PSP the ps3 will get a huge saleboost and will not go under 200$ new and 120$ as a used system.

    Bluray writers are really cheap now and the ps3 has a solid multimedia base and a massive software library... It could be the new piracy mediacenter like the xbox1 was.

    Custom PSN with custom PSstore full of free emulators, free ps1/ps2 classics (i think the whole ps1 library will be released as ps1 classic...), free drm free dlc, free PSN games. Removed regionlock for ps1/PS2 retail games will raise the collecters value...

    Maybe the glory days of the ps3 have just started yet.

  10. #10
    Apple (Level 5) eskobar's Avatar
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    With the new 12GB PS3 at 199 usd it will be very hard to have a price cut the next year, but the 249 usd model will be fully upgraded to 500GB HD by March / June and will have quite many 250GB/Game bundles, like the 250GB Azurite Blue with Last of Us included for 249.99 !.

    After 6 years, the PS3 is finally making money and very healthy sales and I think it is quite close or already has surpassed Xbox 360 in total sales, which is a very good position for SONY to re-gain those customers that were driven to the Xbox 360 because of the initial sub-par ports in the PS3.

    In 2015 is is very possible to have a price cut on the PS3 and maybe at the end of that year the PS4 would have a price cut
    Las calles no son basurero, POR FAVOR TIREN LA BASURA EN SU LUGAR !!!!

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